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Advice Needed


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I've have my TAG now for about 5 1/2 weeks and was just wondering if

I was doing the right thing by her.


I don't have any background on her. I've taken her to the vet and

they tell me she is anywhere from 5 to 15 years old and she doesn't

talk. She only has a whistle and a chirp. The whistle always sounds

like she is calling out to someone another bird I'm not sure. She

has a great appetite and will do her "step up" with no problem.


I know that I haven't had her for very long and not to expect to

much to soon. She loves to have her head scratched but only at

night, any other time forget trying.


Since I don't have any background on her I was wondering if she was

kept with another bird before will she ever get comfortable with me?

Or if she was kept as a breeder will she except me sometime?


I know not to push her to hard to soon so I just play with her at

her speed. Sometimes when I have her with me on the couch and after

a few minutes she seems to want to fly back to her cage but doesn't.

What does that mean?


And since she has talked in the time I've had her do you think she

ever will? Is there anything I can do with to help her talk?


I know this is a lot to ask, but any help or advise would so





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HI Deby,


The whistle is a "Contact Call" and she is calling you. They all do this naturally.


At her age, with no background, you can only approach this with assumptions. I would rather assume she was raised properly and was treated like royalty and do the same to her. :-)


They respond the best to positive, happy excited voices and emotions. It sounds like you are doing that. :-)


If she stays out with you and just hangs out, even at a small distance, loves head scratches etc.. Thats a Great Start!!!! I doubt she was a breeder based on just this alone. :-)


As you go through your day and time with her. describe everything you do in simple terms and be consistent everyday. They associate actions and items to words they hear you say like make coffee, apple, grape, almond, walnut, vacuum, open the door, step up etc. The key is to use it consistently.


IF she is going to talk and knows no other words. You will hear one that she has learned that is IMPORTANT TO HER. They produce these first either to get what they or simply because they enjoy the sound and excitement surrounding that word. :-)

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Deby, sounds to me like you are doing great with your girl. If you can get her to step up and she occasionally allows head scratches she is comfortable with you. I agree with Dan that she probably was not a breeder. Just keep going at her pace and allow her to get more and more comfortable with you. She may never talk but you never know, she may just surprise you someday. Talk to her often and using the same words. Even if she doesn't talk you can still have a great relationship with each other.

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I think you are doing great in the short time you have had her.You are on the right track with taking things at her pace and realising her best times for a head scratch. Just watch her body language and give her space when she wants it.The talking may or may not happen but probably will given time.She has come on so well in such a short time.

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