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Does anyone else's bird NOT know how to fly?


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Ok Ceasar is a bit, LAZY. LOL He can fly all of 3 feet maybe and crash lands. So now we "fly" by telling him to fly and he spreads his wings as a new trick. The vet says he's fine, he's just Lazy.

Apparently he has spent his whole life in cages except while I've had him. Verbal, my Quaker parrot will buzz Ceasars head like a bomb and ceasar will not buy the game. Instead of flying with Verbal, he chews him out.

Now if Ceasar can hop from one place to another he will.

Whats up with that?

Rhonnie N Ceasar (Yawn, stretch) Ceasar_playfly-e36e5cc6b8730b226dbe0931fcea60b4.JPG


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I have George a year now and he has never flown !I think he was kept in a cage and he had a very bad clip so has never learned to fly .He spends almost all his time out the cage now and is exercisng his wings vigourosly so im hoping one day he will take the urge and go ! :lol:

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Hi Rhonnie,

No, Alfie loves her flying too, but there was sa period this year, when she lost her flight after chewing her feathers off. Once they grew bck in tho, she was off again.

Maybe now that Ceasar is feeling secure with you, he will start flying, who knows.

Or maybe he jsut likes going for a walk. :lol:



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If he has truly been cage bound and not flighted since birth. At 10 years old you vet may be correct. If they don't build the brain synapses at the weaning age or with in the first year for flight. That natural development is thwarted and may never be gained.


It does sound promising however, that he at least acts like he wants to fly as you take him along. :-)


You just won't know until his wings grow out, you give him some flapping exercises and have him target you in short distances to reach you like 2ft, 3ft etc. increasing as time goes by that he feels comfortable with.


Only time will tell this story.

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Hm, Bummer. Ceasar just flat can't fly. He'll go about 3 feet , like I said and crash land. :o(

He's a little torqued at me right now for not getting up on his scedule. You would be amazed at the difference this birdroom has made in him tho. Its like "Just add room and stir- Poof insta great bird."

Rhonnie N Ceasar (hey mom, I fly when you say, I do a mean impression of the Eagle on Money!)

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Well I'm Hoping. He's never had his wings clipped while here but I do his nails with a pink blanket. He knows when he see's the pink blanket its time to behave and momma is going to cut his nails. I don't have to cover him all the way anymore. He lets me just wrap him a little and put him on his back. :o)

But I was sure wondering if there were others out there.

Maybe he will.

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Neither of mine fly much, Bella used to fly round the room a bit but now only flies from one perch to me or another perch, Bellino used to fly from cage to playstand but now prefers to be carried over to it, neither of them seem to be able to fly properly anymore, no reason why, theyve never been clipped and always allowed to fly if they wanted to.

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Thanks Dan but he won't fly to me yet. I really don't think he can fly or is lazy. he will however climb up his cage when he wants up or walk over to me. But its, walk, climb, gripe or flirt. and of course, I listen. LOLOLOL ;)

Like I was telling pearlyn, I've never cit his feathers. If you see his feathers in the picture they are is disarray it because he just crash landed. :o(

Rhonnie N Ceasar (whats yur rush Mom?)

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My Josey has never flown except for when she first fledged around weaning time, she is chewing the feathers off on one side so she has not grown a full set since she was clipped right before I brought her home. I think I may have to change vets and get another opinion on it. She may not know how to fly when she does manage to grow a full set.:(

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I have a beautiful picture around here somewhere of Verbal flying but I think best I'm gonna get out of Ceasar is the fake fly.

Think that the real problem is us? Maybe we have taken too much of the wildness out of handfeds? Those things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm!

Rhonnie N Ceasar (hey Josey, we got it made don't we?)

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African greys are naturally lazy from what ive heard and thinking about it why should they fly when their slaves carry them wherever they want to go and pick their toys up for them when they throw them across the room and generally do everything they want us to do for them whenever they demand? :unsure: :unsure:

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Could birds be the same as us humans? I know they say that it's like riding a bike - you never forget - but perhaps Caesar isn't fit enough to fly!


I notice Harvey's breathing intake is a lot deeper and quicker when he's been on one of his "mad ones" around the house - perhaps Caesar has no flying stamina!


I know 10 years ago I used to run a lot - but I'd find it hard running up the garden path at the moment :laugh:

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Thats a distince possibility jillybeans. He and I both have added weight since we've known each other! LOL Mine is from two replaced hips. Which I can't get around like I used to so I have plenty of time to spoil him even more. He's a chunky bird LOL

Rhonnie N Ceasar (hold up there! I don't need to diet!)

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Well be prayin for her to come along fantastic! I'm sure she will.

I think it would be good to see Ceasar fly and I'm going to get him to excercise a little more. Well come to think of it he is excercising everyday now. LOL

Rhonnie N Ceasar (one two three four- doing head bobs)

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Keep up the flying exercise as this will get him fitter.If he has been a perch potato for a long time muscles and such will need to be built up.Also if his flights are in bad condition that wont help at all.Fingers crossed he gets flying soon.

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Thanks for the encouragement She- He has been as you say -a perch potato for a while now. He was VERY agressive when I first got him and he's slowly, well recently quickly, coming around to see my point of view. He was a foul mouthed mean rescue, but now he's becoming a great bird....Thanks again..

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Thanks Judy. I do appreciate all the good advice and encouragement. Between all of us here, he's coming along nicely. Jess taught me yesterday how to potty train Ceasar by getting him to poop on command. Of course we are just starting the process but he recognizes for now that when I say poop and he goes I get extra special happy with him! And he just Loves that!

Rhonnie N Ceasar (I dunno what she's happy about but I'll figure it out)

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My Tyco was not permited to fledge before someone butchered his wing which cause her to barber the left wing flight feathers for the next 4 years of her life. When I got her I had her wings clipped properly by a certified avian vet and she finally stopped barbering and she is fully flight but still doesn't fly very well but she is finally learning how I'm very please that she actually flew the other night turned and flew back to me and made a perfect landing onto my hand I was so proud of her she has been fully flighted for quite awhile and has been practicing a little but that was the first time I actually saw her turn and land perfectly I'm still thrilled my Tyco is finally learning to fly.

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