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acceptable food


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I have a grey named Charlie and sometimes I feed him snow peas is that ok and ever now in then a french fry...also, what is better for their water a bowel that comes with the cage or should I get a drinking bottle you hang on his cage...it seems like Im always changing that water out everyday because he dips his food in it..the fruity food made by avian kinda looks like fruit loops

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Hi Cindy, Welcome. Snow peas are fine for them to have. French fries aren't exactly healthy for them or us, but one every once in a while won't hurt him. Just don't salt it.

I prefer a water bowl as it's easier for me to clean daily, but I know others here prefer the water bottle. So, it is a personal preference, but listen to the others advice, and make your own decision based on your situation and what works best for you. :)

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The water bottles are easier and cleaner, but if Charlie likes to splash around and bathe in his bowl then you might want to let him keep it.


:P I always take too long to post.<br><br>Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/07/19 22:22

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Guest Lidia

Hi Cindy,

Whether you have a bowl or a drinking bottle, you still need to change the water at least once a day! It does need to be fresh because bacteria can grow on and in the water containers. If he likes to splash around in his water bowl once in a while, let him, it's no big deal, they all do it, and still drink the water! Mine dunks food in his water when I'm not there and still drinks it.

French fries once in a while, fine, not often, though, because they're high in fat and salt, neither of which are good for parrots. An occasional one won't do any harm.

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Guest briansmum

good advice here regarding the peas and fries. the water thing is personal choice. i preferr the dish, i haven't even tried a bottle. i change brians water at least 3 times a day. he does like to have a splash, or throw food in it sometimes, but that just means i have to change it more often. no big deal. whatever you choose, it does need to be changed regularly and as long as you keep on top of it it's a 2 second job

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