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Ceasar Takes a Treat! Yippee!!


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Ok Ok so its not a treat you can pack in your pocket unless I set them out for a while to sort of dry a bit, BUT, I'm astonished he accepted ANYTHING from my hand and actually ate it. What is it? Peaches. Yep you got it. The slimiest things on earth and Ceasar decides he likes it. BUT it is the thought that counts.Yippee

He also learned a new trick we call "fly" I say Fly and he spreads his wings way out, Like this...

Rhonnie N Ceasar (hey I can do it!) Ceasar_playfly-efd665b189dbcadee298969f319c3aa5.JPG


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Thanks Dan. He really is coming along so fast inthe last two months its almost embarrassing I didn't figure him out sooner.

He would eat peaches before but he never, and I mean NEVER took anything from my hand before and ate it. Usually it was bouncing off the walls. LOL

Glad you liked the picture..He's hamming it up for photos last two days as well instead of "Knocking at the camera"

Rhonnie and Ceasar (I'm a handsome fella aren't I?)

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Now that's progress! The picture of Ceasar spreading his wings is beautiful. After trying so many things to please him, it must have been an exciting moment to have such a positive response from the peaches. Good for you to persist, it is worth it when you get him to react gleefully and you right along with him. Yahoo, yippee and kudos.

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Karma to you for sticking with it and all the progress. It's so lovely to hear successes, even though they may be small, they keep us all encouraged. The pictue is worth a thousand words, and FLY Ceasar FLY!


well I have to do the karma in 6 hours - I've already done one this morning - back later to add it though - you deserve it.<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/10/15 17:55

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