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Alfie's new do!


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This is priceless. She looks like one of the old fashioned Kewpie dolls. Either that or the nursery rhyme: There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad.....

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katana600 wrote:

Either that or the nursery rhyme: There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad.....


she was HORRID!! Now why on earth would I know that one.....! :blush:


Perhaps Alfie needs a little hair dye - you know, us ladies don't like to grow old gracefully do we!!! Just a little help here and there ;)


Great photo Lyn xx<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 08:26

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Lol Katana, we often recite that poem to her, she is JUST like the little girl with the little curl....

Dan, I never thought of her as Punk, but I see it now!

Jilly, Alfie thinks she may quite like a purple rinse when the time comes, but she's waaaaaay to young for that at the moment!

Thanks for all the comments folks.


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I am packing for a great four day adventure flying off to the International Quilt Festival in Houston Texas. I had to take a minute to see if Camilla and Gonzo's last egg has hatched and come in here one more time to see Alfie. This is just too sweet. LOL to the finishing of the nursery rhyme. I didn't know it was so well known, I wasn't about to suggest this beautiful girl was ever horrid. Jill... must be that was little girl was someone we all know and love?

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