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The unkicked cat


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As usual, thank you Bernie for those laughs and graphics. I darn well asked our English friends about the cat kicking and they said with a wink... watch out for that chap Bernie. LOL. Your boat crashed just from joking about kicking Tiggs... and from lack of a proper naming ceremony. That involves champagne, not cat kicking. Oh wait.. it is has a remote control captain, maybe that's the issue.

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Bernie, Tiggs caught a great head wind going over the ocean and landed a bit earlier than expected!!!!! Unfortunately, Houston tracked him thinking it was a satellite coming in and brought him down!!! Fortunately he is unhurt!!! Unfortunately the FBI is holding him for return kick back to you as you forgot to send the proper health certificates and travel documents!!!! They (FBI) sent me a picture of where Tiggs is being held until deportation (safe kick off time) can be set up (proper head winds and all):




It's nice to know that Tiggs has been taken good care of. His send off is at 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time this evening.


Unfortunately British authorities are going to be knocking on your door soon.......something about smuggling live animals into the USA!!!!!! I'm really ashamed of you Bernie!!!! Tiggs deserves so much better!!! You take good care of him now!!!!

:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/22 01:47

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My boat cant sink it spends most of its time plowing the banks up.



Tiggs is back now he was airlifted in by the us navy they found him on a raft just of the Cornwall coast.

Now he is looking for me,

Cant think why?


Here he is being looked after by an an undercover agent



Look, you can see the evil, wonder what he is thinking

005-3.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/10/24 11:52

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Supernova wrote:

My boat cant sink it spends most of its time plowing the banks up.


And by "it" do you mean the fellow on the bank with the remote control, named Bernie?


I think Tiggs is thinking, "Drats, just when I was getting close to Sheila for adoption, the blasted authorities delivered me back to this bloke!"

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katana600 wrote:

Okay Bernie, I'll admit it, I may not ask you for driving lessons, but I will need some help to learn how to use this quote business. LOL. I will read up on it and try again.


Dee, you have to make sure you take out the trash!


I know what Tiggs is thinking, "When my nap is over I am getting up and kicking Bernie's arse!




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