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Biscotti update & pics!!


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Hello everyone, I am out here in sunny California getting a pretty strong rain/wind storm so I thought I would post an update on my boy Biscotti.

I have had him about 6 weeks now, and he is everthing I had hoped for & so much more! Such a charming, intelligent little being to share life with. He has mastered his landings & is quite a skilled little pilot now. He seems a very happy boy, really likes to be with me or at least see me, but will entertain himself in his cage also. I keep rotating toys & foraging things for him to keep him busy. He spends alot of time ( usually about 3 hours ) per day vocalizing a wide range of sounds that actually sounds like talking, but no coherent words yet! ;) I love to listen to him though, he really sounds like he is telling a big story!

I am going to post a few pic's of him. Biscotti___his_toy__w.jpg


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Thank you all for your kind comments about Biscotti, it's nice to share with people who "get it". My friends are not parrot people so I see their eyes begin to glaze over when I talk about Biscotti or pull pictures out, so I have to restrain myself around them! :)

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Thank you JungleDreamz, Biscotti is 4 1/2 mo. now, he has always been very accepting of being handled all over so one day I just layed him on his back & scritched him & he loved it! So now we do it all the time, I realize someday he may outgrow being so willing- so we are enjoying it for now! ;)

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