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Odwalla Superfood


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Superfood is a drink by Odwalla that I happen to love, I figured it would be good for Jack because it has Spirulina and barley grass, which I read are very good for parrots. Do all of these ingredients look okay for greys? I'd like an excuse to buy some more. =P




* Apple Juice

* Peach

* Mango

* Strawberry and Banana Puree

* Spirulina

* Soy Lecithin

* Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

* Wheat Grass

* Barley Grass

* Wheat Sprouts

* Jerusalem Artichoke

* Lemon Bioflavonoid

* Nova Scotia Dulse



It's tasty, I swear. :)

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Here's something I found on bioflavonoids...


"Bioflavonoids, or flavonoids, can be found in the pigments of fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that about 1 g of flavonoids are consumed daily, mostly as glycosides. Flavonoids demonstrate potential antimutagenicity ability as well as antioxidant activity. Recently, studies have taken a look at flavonoids role in the prevention of carcinogenesis, as well as in the maintenance of capillaries. Bioflavonoids are an important part of the daily diet. They function closely with Vitamin C and it is recommended that the two are consumed together."


I would assume it would be fine... :S


The dictionary defines dulse as a coarse, red, edible seaweed; or as an edible red algae.


Here is a link to its "nutrition facts": http://www.grandmanannb.com/dulse.htm

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Guest Lidia

It does sound yum and looks fine. As with everything else, though, I'd say let Jack drink it in moderation so he doesn't fill up on it.

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Guest briansmum

i can honestly say shawzy ive never eaten dulse, i dont even know what it is, but given that i's in a fruit drink there cat be much of it if it's salty, otherwise that drink wouldnt be very nice :sick:

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Guest Lidia

What is dulce? Is it a type of seaweedy/kelpy thing? Or one of those plants that grows in the margins and on sand dunes?

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Guest Lidia

Shawzy4 wrote:

Dulse grows under the sea, and is collected when the tide goes out, once collected it,s dryed in the sun then eaten...


Yummy, and very good for parrots too, then AND high in iodine!

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I bought some Superfood yesterday, Jacques didn't get any yet because he was being a nasty little sneak when I tried to take him out to let him taste it. I'll let him try it today and let you know what he thinks. =]

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