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Lily Possibly Sick


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I noticed Lily has recently had very low energy. She is still eating and her poop looks normal but usually in the morning she is loud and energetic but for the last two days she hasn't been. Do any of you notice that your bird becomes less energetic in the winter when the daylight becomes shorter? I am taking her to the vet today just to make sure nothing is wrong but I would love to hear some feedback.




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Yes ours are less energetic in the winter monrings. I really noticed it when I got them up an hour later than normal this morning. They both came out still fluffed and sat there like, did you have to get us up. I then fed them and it was peace and quiet for 20min which is very unusual. We have been through a couple of winter seasons now so I see how they change with each season.


Hope lily is ok.

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Lilly is unfortunately sick. The vet did some tests and found bacteria and yeast in her throat, other tests are still pending. They need to keep her overnight and as long as she is looking sick. Needless to say I am very depressed now. I would appreciate any prayers you guys can spare. I will keep you updated.




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I hope Lily responds quickly to her vet's recommendations. Thanks for posting because it is encouraging to us first time newbies to understand that our intuition is important and the vet is the first thought that should come to mind if we sense things are "off". Hopefully she will have a fast, full recovery. Karma to you for being so observant.

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Thanks for all your support. I just wanted to give you all an update. According to the Vet Lily had a Crop Infection. Basically there was a lot of bacteria and yeast in her crop. Last night they started her on the antibiotics and vitamin reinforced fluids. This morning we called the vet and were told Lily is in stable condition.


About an hour ago the Vet called us and told us Lily is looking better than yesterday and there is a chance she may be able to come home tonight with some antibiotics that we can give to her. The led test is still pending and they are going to do an X-Ray to make sure nothing else is wrong. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed she will come home tonight and the rest of the tests won't turn up anything else wrong. I will give you all an update when I know more.



Greg<br><br>Post edited by: Quickdood, at: 2009/10/14 17:19

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Hi everyone, Lily is home but not yet out of the woods. I have to give her antibiotics twice a day, and a few test are still pending but the vet thought she would be better off home. She was very happy to get home and has been acting much more energetic than she has for the past few days so that is a good sign. She has a follow up appointment with the vet in one week. Thanks again for all your support.



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You have had a couple of rough days and I am really happy that Lily is home showing signs of improvement. You really are to be commended for your instincts of knowing when something wasn't quite right and seeking veterinarian advice right away. Best wishes and happy thoughts your way for her complete recovery.

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Just wanted to give one more update. The first couple of days on the antibiotics I noticed very little change in Lily's energy level and she wasn't talking at all. But by Monday she was about 80% of normal energy and she started talking again. Today she is at 95% of her normal energy and when I took her to the vet for the follow up appointment the vet said she looked very good. So once again thanks for the support, it looks like Lilly will be A-OK!

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