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Reynolds Freezer Paper, Safe Cage Liner?


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I've seen quite a few recommendations on using this as cage liner for the benefits it gives.


I'm concerned that it may be harmful to my birds who like to shred their cage lining. The benefits gained from using a non absorbent paper are its easier to see their droppings and tell if they are sick and easier clean up because you can just roll up the top sheet and the sheets below it will be clean and good to go.


Can anyone add any educated information about potential risks of using this paper?

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I'm not sure where you guys are getting your freezer paper, but at 75 cents a roll around here I find it to be a very comparable price to the paper. With the added benefits it brings I feel it might be something to consider. This is completely off topic though. My concern was whether or not I need to worry about any harmful side effects from freezer paper being shredded by my birds. As far as I can tell there aren't any but I'd like to see what others have to bring up also. Keep in mind I'm not looking for OPINIONS on the paper. I'm looking for fact based reasons it could be harmful to use. (especially with a bird that will be chewing it up!)

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JillyBeanz wrote:

I think they cost enough these parrots without having to buy extras for them to poop on! Newspaper is a great invention, we read it, we line their cage with it, they read it and the news they don't like, they poop on it!


I'm sticking with the newspaper ;)



Great answer and so true. Really funny:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/13 21:34

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Before I got my grey I purchased a large roll of butcher wrap paper. What a waste of money. My daily newspaper is the same size as the floor as my fids' cage and a couple of open sheets lines the whole cage floor quickly and easily. I'm delighted with it! That over 50lbs of butcher paper makes great drawing paper for my grandson my daughter says!!!! :)<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/13 23:45

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I love using the newspaper for cage liners. It's large, quick to open up and spread out, easy to pick up, and works wonderfully. Usually the news isn't fit to print much less read so pooping on it is perfect.


Also - layer many pages on top of each other and then you only have to pick up the soiled ones and you're done for the day. The little bit of effort to layer it is easily made up with the "layered" removal.

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I still use newspaper right now because of how cheap it is. I just want to play with the idea that wax paper may be much easier to clean up as well as it being easier to maintain.


I'd like to point out that my question still hasn't been answered. This topic has been turned into a whole lot of "I don't do that its too expensive!" and absolutely no "Well (insert reason here) may cause you some concern if a bird shreds it." or "This may be harmful because it has this process of being made." Lets try to stay on topic eh?


PS Judy: I've been buying my rolls of wax paper from a super market chain called Sentry Foods. I'm unsure where you live or if you have ever heard of this particular chain but yeah. 75 cents per big roll. =) I assumed this was the norm lol.


Edit: Just realized I've been marked down 2 karma. How immature of whoever did that to mark me down for asking the simple question of whether or not wax paper is harmful to a bird or not. I wasn't out to start any trouble and I get punished for trying to acquire some genuine knowledge? Seriously? Since I lost 2 karma I' going to assume there are 2 very spiteful people in this topic that this website would be a much friendlier place without.<br><br>Post edited by: Moobu, at: 2009/10/14 10:08

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Moobu wrote:

Edit: Just realized I've been marked down 2 karma. How immature of whoever did that to mark me down for asking the simple question of whether or not wax paper is harmful to a bird or not. I wasn't out to start any trouble and I get punished for trying to acquire some genuine knowledge? Seriously? Since I lost 2 karma I' going to assume there are 2 very spiteful people in this topic that this website would be a much friendlier place without


Well, just to let you know, it wasn't me - I would tell you I was doing it - although you haven't annoyed me enough to do this (yet!!). Also - you haven't helped yourself by posting this - your posts can read as quite rude, I'm afraid!! Also - it doesn't have to be people involved in this topic - anyone can take a dislike to a situation - so don't just assume it was one of us who have posted!! ;)


All threads don't stay directly bang on topic - they deviate slightly - but the comments about the newspaper IS related to your post. Why use something that isn't proven, if you can use something that is! What's the old saying "Don't fix what isn't broken"!


Oh look - one of mine has been taken too!!! What a HUGE surprise!! Don't worry though - I'll get mine back - it'll take you a while to strip me of mine!!


AND I STILL HAVEN'T REMOVED ONE OF YOURS!! To quote yourself - I'm not spiteful or immature!!


Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:18<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:46

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Moobu wrote:
Edit: Just realized I've been marked down 2 karma. How immature of whoever did that to mark me down for asking the simple question of whether or not wax paper is harmful to a bird or not. I wasn't out to start any trouble and I get punished for trying to acquire some genuine knowledge? Seriously? Since I lost 2 karma I' going to assume there are 2 very spiteful people in this topic that this website would be a much friendlier place without


Well, just to let you know, it wasn't me - I would tell you I was doing it - although you haven't annoyed me enough to do this (yet!!). Also - you haven't helped yourself by posting this - your posts can read as quite rude, I'm afraid!! Also - it doesn't have to be people involved in this topic - anyone can take a dislike to a situation - so don't just assume it was one of us who have posted!! ;)


All threads don't stay directly bang on topic - they deviate slightly - but the comments about the newspaper IS related to your post. Why use something that isn't proven, if you can use something that is! What's the old saying "Don't fix what isn't broken"!


Oh look - one of mine has been taken too!!! What a HUGE surprise!! Don't worry though - I'll get mine back - it'll take you a while to strip me of mine!!


AND I STILL HAVEN'T REMOVED ONE OF YOURS!! To quote yourself - I'm not spiteful or immature!!


Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:18<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:46


I didn't touch your karma. Nice of you to accuse me of something I didn't do though. And point out where in my post i said "jillybeanz burned my karma and she needs to be ashamed" because I'm having trouble finding it! :pinch: Anyways, the newspaper is very irrelivent to my question because I didn't ask anything close to "what do you guys think of using wax paper as liner" or "what is your opinion on wax paper vs news paper" I specifically asked "are there any health risks to using wax paper" which is a question that has still went 100% unanswered.


You just can't refrain from stirring the pot in any of my topics no matter the subject matter can you? I'm going to respectfully ask that if you can't manage to behave in a topic I post have the decency to just not post in them then. Not once did I attack, mention, belittle, comment, or even acknowledge your existence and here you are (AGAIN I might add..) jumping down my throat and attempting to be the center of attention. Its getting old and making this community incredibly unenjoyable. So again, please just refrain from saying anything in my topics since you seem completely incapable of not trying to stir up trouble when you do.

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Just for the record I didn't take your karma but obviously someone didn't like your attitude, I don't like it either but back to the topic.


You do not have the right to ask a particular member to not make a post in one of your threads, this is a open forum, any member can post wherever they want and that includes Jillybeanz. If you do not want to read what she writes then just ignore it.


Now about your topic, have you researched on the net for the answer, why not call the manufacturers and find out directly if the paper in question is safe or not. Obviously none of us have used it for we find newspaper to provide the best solution for lining the cage trays.

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judygram wrote:

Just for the record I didn't take your karma but obviously someone didn't like your attitude, I don't like it either but back to the topic.


You do not have the right to ask a particular member to not make a post in one of your threads, this is a open forum, any member can post wherever they want and that includes Jillybeanz. If you do not want to read what she writes then just ignore it.


Now about your topic, have you researched on the net for the answer, why not call the manufacturers and find out directly if the paper in question is safe or not. Obviously none of us have used it for we find newspaper to provide the best solution for lining the cage trays.


So let me get this straight.. one of the MODERATORS here is WITNESSING HARASSMENT and telling the person being harassed they have no right to politely ask to be left alone by their verbal assailant. That the verbal assailant has every right in the world to follow them around and do their absolute damnedest to make this website as unenjoyable as possible for 1 person without consequence... yeah....


Are you even aware of how a traditional moderator works? There needs to be some serious rules laid down here because at this point its just sickening. I'm being ridiculed because I refuse to lay down and conform with the rest of you. I have my own thought out opinions that differ from the "norm" around here and when I ask for a friendly freaking answer I'm met with nothing but strife no matter how genuine or helpful the topic may be.


At this point I would love to ask a moderator to step in and lend me help in my dilemma... the only problem is she's too busy making biased posts to side with her FRIEND who won't stop harassing me every topic I make. I guess my only hope is to rely on danmcq and hope for the best. He seems to be one of the cooler people around here...

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I'll hold back on the judgments about Karma and all that (Karma or post points always end up in a war like this on every forum, every where).


Google is an amazing thing:



General thoughts:


Wax used for wax paper used to be made from Petroleum, and this is an area of concern for parrots.


Allegedly, the black ink of newsprint will prevent bacteria growth (?? Don't know about that, it's soy-water based)


Newsprint white paper (end of rolls) can be purchased cheaply from many newspapers (one poster citing $3 for a large roll)


Also found: http://www.cage-catchers.com/


Which bills itself as the prefect and safe cage liner. I'd email then and ask what the wax is made of.


I'd also contact the maker of your cheap rolls and inquire about the chemicals used to make the wax (doubt it's listed on the box) to ensure it's safe for shredding.


Is that more the answer you were seeking?

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Well, just to let you know, it wasn't me - I would tell you I was doing it - although you haven't annoyed me enough to do this (yet!!). Also - you haven't helped yourself by posting this - your posts can read as quite rude, I'm afraid!! Also - it doesn't have to be people involved in this topic - anyone can take a dislike to a situation - so don't just assume it was one of us who have posted!! ;)


All threads don't stay directly bang on topic - they deviate slightly - but the comments about the newspaper IS related to your post. Why use something that isn't proven, if you can use something that is! What's the old saying "Don't fix what isn't broken"!


Oh look - one of mine has been taken too!!! What a HUGE surprise!! Don't worry though - I'll get mine back - it'll take you a while to strip me of mine!!


AND I STILL HAVEN'T REMOVED ONE OF YOURS!! To quote yourself - I'm not spiteful or immature!!


Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:18<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/10/14 10:46


And I assume you want me to think she was baking me a truce cake and being an angel in this post correct? Show me ANYTHING in this topic before this post that warrants this treatment. If you think I'M the one doing the harassment then you may want to brush up on your definition of the word. I'm almost willing to challenge you to find a topic on this whole website where she HASN'T come in and started a flame war with me.

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Ok, can we just put the the Karma question and who dissed who first to bed now please?


Lets get back on track or just let the thread die off.


I don't see any flaming by anyone here. All I see is different users making comments and suspicions.


If it continues, I'll just lock this thread.


I appreciate everyones cooperation. :-)


Back on topic - For the record, wax paper ingredients are normally just paper coated with parifin wax. Both of which is perfectly fine for your bird. As if they actually eat it anyway. If anything they may hae a slight residue left in their beak after shredding a bunch of it, which they normally pick out with their talon.


Personally, I will just stick with newspaper. :-)

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I apologise for bringing up the subject of wax paper. I just thought that others in the thread would like to know about something that would make a cage last longer. I really don't care who read it nor was I expecting some type of gold star ( karma). I simply use wax paper with newspaper on top of it because my birds have a habit of jumping in their water bowls especially after I've just given them a bath. So, I'm sorry. I promise that it won't happen again. In your heart please try to forgive my indiscretion. And especially to Dan, I realize what I've seriously done here. Understand that I do make mistakes.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/14 21:09<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/14 21:54

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