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Injury to my Dusty


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:S Hey all just to keep everyone upto date, my little babe has had a accident today he somehow has managed to chop his nail completly in half. So it was blood splatter all over :( so of to vets we went and he said so far all looking ok but we have to keep a close eye on him for more bleeding or swelling, keep him in a dark cage and in a quiet place and put this cream on his toe 1 time a day for 14 days. :ohmy: Weve put him in his cage and covered him up but due to him not liking being caged he has set his foot bleeding with his circulating the cage so im a nearvous mummy trying too keep him calm so he can begin to heal. Will try to keep u all upto date on how he is doing.
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Sorry to hear of this accident.


One question though, if you let him out of the cage and he is with you. Is he calmer than climbing all over wanting out to be with you?


The reason I ask, is the dark cage and quite scenario is in hopes of him remaining fairly still. It sounds like that isn't working.

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Panther, if Dusty is calm, content and still while with you, close to you, then I would keep him close. On a stand close by if not on your arm or shoulder or in your arms. I would do whatever is needed to keep him still and calm until his foot starts to heal properly. This is just my opinion of course.

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Hey everyone Thanks for all your thoughts First Dusty is now feeling alot better bleeding stopped and we have some cream for his claw, to keep it clean. Thanks danmcq you were right dusty is calmer out of his cage. So hes ate some food and talking not totaly back to normal but i think the blood shocked him and much as Panther and i. Its crazy you kinda think it will never happen to you(well us)and trust me IT WILL get that first aid kit ready NOW!

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So glad to hear that Dusty is better and the bleeding stopped and if he is calmer out of his cage then so be it, you do what you have to do.


That is so true, you never know what will happen so its better to be prepared and not need it than to not be prepared and need it, thanks for the tip.

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:cheer: Hey guys Day 2 and Dusty is singing his little beak of B) thanks to you all and your usefull help and Dusty thanks u all for your kind thoughts all the love does count to a happy bird oh yes and a happy owner THANK YOU ALL

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Poor Dusty and his family being rattled by this injury. It makes us stronger to know we can handle whatevery comes our way, but it is hard to know our loved ones have suffered. A broken nail to them is like a head wound to us, it would seem from all the bleeding. Glad you found a way to keep him calm so it could heal. Now that he is feeling better, you need to have TLC to treat your nerves too.

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