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Grey for a good home


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Hey guys,


Been awhile since I was last on. School/work etc keeps me super busy. Just a heads up I'm probably going to be looking to sell/give my grey away to an experienced person in the near future. Her behavior now is so way out of hand that I'm pretty much at my witt's end.


She screeches non stop anytime I step out of the room or leave for like a second etc. She scared of absolutely anything/everything. From people, to toys, to moving objects you name it she's scared of it and will fly off my shoulder. I've spent hundreds of dollars taking her to bird behavioral courses locally in San Diego and absolutely NOTHING is working.....


I've talked to experts and read books and I've pretty much exhausted every option. I seriously feel like I have a kid with Autism that is dead to the world and no matter what i try or do they are just going to be "them". And it's starting to affect my life now with lack of sleep, and constant headaches etc etc.


So rather than give her to some ill equipped kid, or just selling her on like a craigslist I figured I'd come to you guys first for any final options or advice.<br><br>Post edited by: Knight05, at: 2009/10/12 17:11

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I am so sorry it has come to this Spence, I know you hate to give her up but if you have exhausted all options so far then you do what you have to do. I hope someone here can give her a good home, I can't myself but maybe another member who lives close enough can give her what she needs.

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I am so sorry to hear this, we also went through a really rough time with Kea to the point where I told my boyfriend I couldn't take it any longer. She would also screech and screech and screech to the point where she would have me in tears. I really feel for you, it is so stressful.


Good luck with finding her a home.

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It is sad to hear things are becoming unbearable.


It is clear you love your Grey very much and have tried many different avenues to address the issues your describing.


The only thing I can think of, is your so busy, your Grey is desperate for your attention and personal contact when you are present.


If so, it is nor really a behaviour problem, but a time problem.


I would really like to hear more of how the dynamics and time aspects are working. One thing to note, as you become stressed, your Grey does proportionally along with you.


You live about 5 hours south of me. I wish I could rehome your Grey, but just don't think now would be a good time for our flock.


If you decide that rehoming is the only option, I pray you will find an experienced and loving person.

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Hi Spence,


I'm wondering, how old is your grey? They tend to go through a period called the "terrible twos" which can be a stressful time for both the bird and it's owner. During this time the parrot can be more easily scared by things, it can begin to exhibit more undesirable behaviors such as biting and screaming. I am just wondering if perhaps your grey is going through a phase that might get better with time and patience? Also, how are you reacting to the screaming when you leave the room?

Forgive me for questioning you about these things, I'm just trying to think of something you may not have considered...If rehoming seems to be the only option for you and your grey I wish you the best in finding her a great and loving new home.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

you must follow thru on your commmittement. give it more x. just b/cuz she is scared doeznt mean she is not happpy. she might just be shy. just a thoughtt. she is prorbably going thru some hormonal thing and it will be over with sooon. until then just ware earplugs. :silly:

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She is exactly 2 so terrible 2's might be an option. I've decided to cope for at least a few more months. I work usually from 11am-8pm. I take her out at 9 am when i wake up till i leave for work then take her out when i get home at 8 pm till about midnight. My mind says just give her away, but i also have that inner feeling telling me if I do if/when she gets over this phase she will be pretty damn awesome and I might regret it for life. But as for right now......uhhggg life sucks. But I'll hang on as long as possible.

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I really feel she has hit the terrible twos. One of my greys is the same age and we are going through different issues but I do believe they change at this stage.

Try and ride through it as I know you love her to bits and I really think you would regret rehoming her in the long run.

I know its hard work and can be quite heartbreaking seeing your baby change, support is here for you and help if anyone can give you any new advice.


I hope you can work things out, good luck and keep us posted:)

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Thats GreYt to hear Spence!


Some Greys just go crazy trying to exercise their independence during this time (mine included) and you don't know at times if your dealing with jekyll or Hyde. :-)


Human children are even like this. Some go freaking nuts and drive you nuts and others just pass through calm and quiet.


She and you will both be happy you decided to ride this "Blink" in your Greys many decade life span.

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Hang in there and know that most the rest of us grey parronts have gone through a similar trying time with our greys. My timneh Lyric is now three and I can say that we had times in the past when I wondered what I was doing with a parrot. Now he's much calmer and easier to deal with, more easygoing and doesn't drive me crazy (as often, anyway!). I'm getting ready to go through the same wild ride with my Sadie Grey who turns 1 this weekend. I think if you try to have patience with your girl and give her some time things will improve.

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How long do terrible 2's last roughly? And are there any other things I can expect so I don't over react when it happens? I almost never take her out of the cage because I don't want to reward her bad "screeching" behavior but at the same time i'm concerned if she in all the time she's going to develop even more behavioral problems due to lack of freedom/exercise/socializing etc

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I don't know anything about the terrible two's but I do know about hard to handle birds like Ceasar. It sounds like your life is hectic right now and your bird could be stressing out cuz you are. My advice would be to hang onto your baby til the move and afterwards try and get her settled in to the new spot. Or if you have a calm bedroom you can put her in and be able to let her have free time.

I would say I would take her and fly her in but my hands are full with Ceasar right now. All Our Best to you sweetie. Your bird will hopefully help get you thru all the stress....

Rhonnie N Ceasar (Lord knows I've helped my Mommy)

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It sounds like you are at the end of your tether.I think we have all experianced this in some degree. Greys or any large bird are a lot of work and can really be hard to keep. All I can say is it is your decision but remember we are all hear to help when the going gets tough.

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I would try taking her out of the cage regardless. A bored parrot is a demanding one. I thought Ceasar would never calm down but I think he was really stressed and bored. I hope I'm giving you good advice... Its what I did with Ceasar and its made him a great bird now. But I had to have the time to spend with him. Best wishes,

Rhonnie n Ceasar (yup mom created a schedule she keeps most the time by getting up a hour earlier)

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