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Food makes Ben angry.


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I changed Bens food for ordinary parrot food sold in the shop, and as always it makes her aggressive, she has always been on Harrisons high potency coarse since 12 weeks old, She is now 4 years old.

I only change it in emergency when supplies run out.

Ben is calm when on Harrisons. No idea why.


Very spooky.

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he wouldn't have "8" babes to his name and the following he does. Did you give Tiffany's your credit card yet? I have another request - Dixie want's her own leg band of emeralds. She thinks they will go nicely with her red tail - getting in the mood for Christmas ya know.

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Dont run out of the Harissons Bernie, problem solved.Oh Charlie would like a ruby and diamond leg ring and Cracker wants a millet spray,well he is a bit slow on the uptake.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/12 20:32

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