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Hello, My name is Rhonnie and My Bird Is Ceasar


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I need some help with Ceasar. One he doesn't like hubby Bill and will try to attack him and if he can't get to Bill he will bite me.

Also Ceasar loves me Too much. He will hump my hand and regurgitate trying to feed me.

I've tried putting him back up when he does this but sometimes Ceasar outsmarts me and will not leave my hand at all. He knows I'm going to put him up and hangs on for dear life.

He also is not a treat type bird. So giving him treats is not a plausible option.

Can anyone set me on the right path with Ceasar?

TIA, Rhonnie Rhonnie_good_pic.JPG


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Nope. I don't think he had a good handfeeding experience because anything you offer him will get slung away from your hand.I have tried everything. The only thing he hasn't been able to really sling is the whipped cream filling from snack cakes. But then he gets angry.. So I reward him with a snuggle when he does good.

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Hi Rhonnie - Welcome to the forum. Harvey isn't quite as bad as Caesar sounds - but he doesn't tolerate my husband very well either. Harvey will pick and choose whether he will be handled by my husband - and usually it's a negative!


This all changed on our return from a two week holiday in July - and my husband has tried time and time again to gain Harvey's trust again, but to no avail. I hope he doesn't give up though.


Harvey's not a treat type bird either - I've bought almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, yoghurt coated pineapple - you name it and he look at it as though it is poison! He does love palm nuts though - so they are his treat (although sparingly - they cost a bit!!).


The bit about Caesar hanging on - have you tried cupping his head with your free hand and placing him back in the cage - I do this with Harvey when he's been naughty - otherwise he'd just fly away in defiance!


Looking forward to hearing more about you and Caesar :)

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Hi to All and thank you for the Welcome from Everyone. Ceasar and I both appreciate it. Here is a few pictures of Ceasar. One acting Normal (as Ceasar can be LOL) and one doing his finest impression of a pinecone (when Daddy walked in the room. Here's his normal shot..

Rhonnie Ceasar_head.JPG


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When Ceasar puts his head down he makes a loud "knock' sound and then he goes into attack mode. He really does not like my husband at all and Bill loves Ceasar.

Now the other day he stepped up just pretty as you please with another female person, Sue, in the room. He made no attempt at her, in fact he seemed to like her. But he hates men.


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"Pinecone" yes I recognize that look, Josey does that look sometimes at my hubby too but then she will also give him kisses and come on his shoulder but only from the playstand not from the cage or from the floor. She is strictly my bird but she tolerates him at times.


Thanks for sharing those pics with us.


BTW, I hope he doesn't get too much of those snack cakes with the cream filling, that is way too much sugar for him.

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:laugh: Nope, it was me being desperate to find a treat he couldn't sling. But he proved that he didn't care much for that either. :evil:

I know he sounds like a horrible little dude but he really is a good bird. He just loves me too much and Daddy not at all.

He was a rescue bird with a foul (no pun intended LOL) mouth. He hasn't liked Bill from Day one and I've had him about 1 1/2 years.

He plays ball and can tell his color blocks apart. If I ask him for green he gets green and so on. We really do have alot of fun..

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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He isn't a horrible little dude and he does sound like a wonderful bird especially if he plays ball and knows his colors, he is a smart cookie.


Thats wonderful to hear he was a rescue, we have a special place in our hearts for people who take in birds that may not be welcome at just anyone's home and with a foul mouth he wouldn't have been. Hopefully in time he will use those words less and less since he no longer hears them used.

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Oh he no longer talks that way.:) He has "cleaned up his act" quite a bit and turned into a real great bird. He does have issues tho.I think he honestly was abused by the male in the household. The language and acting out mannerisms were far to great not to have been.

My husband and I don't allow foul mouths around Ceasar and he just started picking up good things. He greets me in the morning with a big "Good Morning" and at night he says "Goodnight" to both of us. He rings like a phone, then answers himself saying "Hello, Ok You sure? OK Bye Bye" He has a huge vocabulary, much to much to quote but my favorite is I love you. I tell him I love you to Ceasar.

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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RhonnieS wrote:

my favorite is I love you. I tell him I love you to Ceasar.


Ah the sweetest words ever spoken, that is so sweet when they say that.


That might explain why he does not like men, he could have been abused by one, so sad that some people can get their jollies by being cruel to animals.

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Welcome Rhonnie and Ceasar!!


It's GreYt having you here.


You've had him for a year and a half. How old was He when you got him?


The sexual behaviour your describing doesn't normally start until a little older.


The photo you shared of his response to hubby clearly shows a Grey just waiting to nail the person when they try to get a step-up or give a scratch. When our hubby see's this, just stay away.


Obviously ceasar prefers women, as my Grey does. he will interact well at times with me and other males. But only on a much less cuddly manner and will bite if you don't watch his body language carefully.


There is really nothing you can do to overcome this. They decide who they like and what level that friendship will be.

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Hi there! Thank you for the welcome. Ceasar was approximately 8 1/2 or 9 when I got him. I'm assuming he's about 10 -10 1/2. The first year was hard. He would go after both of us. I mean draw blood wise. Occaisionally he would let me get him out but I had to be careful. But I had him and Verbal's (my handfed quaker parrot)cages in the Entryway of the house. I have since remodelled the house and made a specific bird room that also has my computer in it. So we spend alot of time together and he is responding with great glee to be away from traffic. When I try to take him in other rooms of the house, It all looks new and different, and we are going slow. We made it to the livingroom without incident and I let him investigate at his free will. Then he wanted to play. So I get out his color blocks and we put them all down and I ask him for different colors. When he picks up the right color he gets a big snuggle. Then he got nervous again and we went back to the birdroom and he happily jumped in his cage.We are like I said going slow but he's turned into a delightful Bird.

He and Verbal constantly talk to each other. Its funny to hear Verbals little voice asking "Ceasar, whatcha want?" Ceasar replies,"be quiet Verbal" Or when he's mad its "Shut up Verbal" but when he's sweet, they have long parrotese and english talks.

The only things I can't get him out of saying is Shut up, $hit and he calls me a turdhead when I pt him up and he doesn't want to go..

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Ah Ha! No wonder he displays sexual behaviour. he is fully an adult. :-)


He truly sounds like a wonderful older Grey getting used to new surroundings and flock.


Form your description, he actually has a GreYt personality, wit and humor. Barring the one cuss word, I laughed out loud at the thought of being called a "Turdhead". :P


You are doing all the right things in gently getting him used to the new digs.


Karma to you for taking in a mature Grey and giving him such a loving home. :-)

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Thank you. He's in a mood this morning. Decided I needed reprimanding for putting him back up when a male friend showed up at the house to have coffee with Bill and I. Nailed me on the wrist.

Nope, I figure every bird can be a good one if you just take the time and don't mind a few nips. Someday I'd like to rescue another. But thats a ways in the future.

Its hard enough right now getting Ceasar in touch with Bill and I.

Ceasar is the first bird I've ever made a bank account for. He's set up in my Will to go to Bill's neice if anything should ever happen to me. She's a young girl and loves her animals. Do you all do that for your Birds? Now Verbal, Bill and I hand reared and He loves his daddy. Moreso than he does me. All I could think about tho was "this mean parrot is going to outlive me"

when I was having health issues. Now I think "Oh my God, what if my Sweetheart Bird outlives me!" I look forward to getting up and coming in the birdroom. Theres nothing like a Good Morning, a wolfwhistle and a I love you to start your day. I'm hopelessly smitten..

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Well with that attitude how can you not love him, you are right, every bird has the potential to be a good bird, you just have to have the patience and will to work with them and you have certainly shown that.


I think we are going to be hearing more good things about Ceasar.

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