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Progress report...


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Greetings all !

I'm Lee, Cocoa's Caregiver, and it's been 2 months today since I assumed that role.


Refresher; Cocoa is supposed to be 12 years old, but the solid band has the number 94 on it, so he might be 15.

He was raised by his breeder who just had to be placed in assisted care housing, so I was chosen to adopt him by owner's son.


I'm very happy to say that Cocoa has taken to me and the zoo I call home extremely well.


He loves the time outside of his cage when I get home from work and has taken over the kitchen table as that is where the playstand I built for him is. He can climb right off the cage onto the stand.

He is very vocal and at times carries on conversation with himself. He calls for the dog that he used to live with and tells him to "get over here" and "stay"


He has started to step up on my asking, but only when he wants to. I can touch him anywhere ! He rolls over on his back for me and lets me touch and scratch his wings, under his wings, his feet I rub gently for him.

He gives me kisses when I ask.


While he has not bit me, he has let me know he is very capable of it.

I think since they have no hands, that's their way of touching and exploring things/people etc.


Reading some of the posts where people have problems with biting and other stuff, I am so fortunate to have

a bird this well behaved.


Because of the progress we have shown in such a short time, I believe the next update will have Cocoa hanging out with me on the couch or at my desk .


Cocoa still has not warmed up to my wife, which I hope to report differently some day. Other than that, I must be doing something right for a bird of his age to warm up this quick to me.


Sign me as "Having a GREYT time in Apopka, Fl"


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