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Ok, Hello all I have some thing to say and truly dont want this to turn into a debate. In another post members were encouraged not to let mediocrity reign. Speak up give your point of view as a valued family member. I decided I needed to know just exactly what that meant.

mediocrity - state or quality of being mediocre

mediocre - of moderate or low quality, value, ability or performance.

That was a pretty broad statement to be made. I cant speak for anyone else, I myself work everyday all day with people who are usually very angry so for good reason some for no reason and I am to fix it.

I try once I get home to leave a debates at the door and live with lots of happiness,fun and laughs. I am sure CD knows I love this forum. I love the people but I wont get involved in a post full of debate. That doesnt make me mediocre

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Guest Lidia


Don't stress about it. If you don't want to get involved in the debate, don't. Nobody thinks any less of you for your stance on the matter. I can quite understand why you would want to stay out of it, and I'm sure the others do, too. Don't be upset.


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miltie wrote:

I try once I get home to leave a debates at the door and live with lots of happiness,fun and laughs. I am sure CD knows I love this forum. I love the people but I wont get involved in a post full of debate. That doesnt make me mediocre


Of course I know you love it here. Don't worry about not debating as there are plenty of us that will do that here. No stress Miltie.. Only fun.. if you don't want to get involved because of the possiblity of stress DON'T.. In fact, I'm gonna give you a "no debate pass" right now.. :P :P :P :P


I just love your Avatar too.. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/20 01:57

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Hello Miltie,


I am sorry if my post on Mediocrity made you feel uneasy or just not sure of my intention.


The intent of that post, was simply to bring out those on this Forum, that felt strongly about the topic, but needed a little encouragement to actually nudge them to the point of posting their position on the issue.


As I stated in that post. I did not care what a members position on the issue was. I was simply asking to hear more people chime in with their thoughts, ideas and feelings on the topic.


My thought, is that there is great wisdom in the thoughts and counsel of the MANY, rather than the few.


I work too and sometimes may miss a topic that the erupts like a Volcano and then is over just as fast, just as you did.


So don't feel like you somehow let anyone down.


It is good to hear that you feel somewhat compelled to explain your situation and to ask why I would post such a statement. :-)


You are obviously, not in a state of mediocrity at all or you would not have bothered to pose this question on my intent.:woohoo:


Also, thanks for asking this question!


I am certain there are others on this Forum with the same question, but did not bother to ask...........


Perhaps, they are in a state of Mediocrity :woohoo:


OK, bring on those replies, I may get blasted, but now at least..... I'll hear from the other "Silent Ones" :lol: :woohoo: :laugh:

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RdnkParamedic21 wrote:

Can't we all just be happy and get along?? Lets all knock off work early and have a greyt big PARTY!!





If you see me getting blasted and "down for the count"....Please bring the "Happy Gas" bottle and bring me around :woohoo:


You are too funny!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/20 11:18

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RdnkParamedic21 wrote:

Dan, I am sad to say we don't carry happy gas on our trucks :( HOWEVER, we have all kinds of crazy fun narcotics.. Morphine, Fentanyl, Valium, Dilaudid, Haldol, Versed, Ativan, Succinylcholine, Vecuronium, name your poision:P :P And BIG congrats on making moderator!!B)


Darn, just some Happy Gas was all I was asking for :-)


You know, we may need your services over in the Parrot "Bite Me" Club though.


I think I will make you the official "Doctor in the House" there..


You never know when a 911 Bite might come in LIVE instead of just a story from the past!!



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Dan, YOu are right it was just that a question. The post compelled me to look up the true meaning. You did help me learn something. And you are right it did open up my quiet side, and bring out the brains and emotion in stead of sitting here reading and looking. Some times I am like a zombie sitting in front of this screen.

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Hi Miltie,


It's good to hear that it helped at least one person start enjoying this forum by starting to interact with all of us :-)


I enjoy your posts and your thoughts! As I am sure everyone else here does also.


I know once you bring your Grey home, you will become one of the most active member's :-)


I can't wait to here the good news that you have him and then see the updates and photo's !!! :woohoo:

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