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Should I separate them?


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I have 2 'tiels and the bigger one "Chance" has suddenly started to pull the feathers from the back of "Baby Bird's" neck.


I gave them a really good soaking this morning and it is more noticable than ever.


Is there a reason for this and should I take BB out of the cage and home him in another one for a while (or forever)?



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I think I will do that.


Chance is not picking at BB today, but Chance is the dominant bird and I don't want him to hurt BB.


I'm looking for a cage where I can put a divider in it for times like this. They hate to be apart.


So far, I'm only finding large bird cages like that.



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I had two tiels polly and pippin, male and female,they lived together for approx 14 years.Pippin the male was the dominant tiel.I often had to seperate them for a few weeks when he got too bossy.They hated being apart even though the cages where next to each other.I usually only had the problem with them in January or February when Polly would get a bald patch on the back of her head.after a couple of weeks things would calm down again and they could go back together.I put my tiels behaviour down to spring hormones,it did only happen in early spring.I recomend you seperate them for about 3-4 weeks but let them out the cages together to meet up.I too looked for a devider cage but had no luck.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Molly sometimes plucks marvin. some say she is just preaning him, and when she doez it a lot i just dress marivn in his tuxedo and she leaves him alone. B)

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