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Questions about molting and biting


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Does molting make an african grey more aggressive? My bird is 5 and I think he is molting because he has had some feathers falling out, alot more than normal and I can feel the little pin feathers all over his head. He is normally very loving and sweet but he has made me cry twice today. The first time he bit my lip and the second time he bit my hand so hard I hard crunching and he drew blood. I am more upset because this is so out of character for him than I am that it hurt. I am worried about why he is being so agressive. Last night he was trying to regurgitate for me and now he hates me. Any ideas?

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Thank you for the response hill. I hope the situation is the same with my bird. He is normally a sweet little cuddle bug that is why I was so upset. I was also worried about him getting any of my saliva in his beak because he grabbed my whole lip and got his beak in there good to bite lol

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Oh Summer I feel for you but I do know what you are going through. My Amazon goes through very heavy molts and when she does bot does she get grumpy she has never biten me but she also will not allow me to touch or hold her when she is like that and she will lunge at me which is totally out of character for her. Tyco my rescue Grey will bite and hard during molting I really have to watch her body language at this time. When your Grey is in a fairly responsive mood he may allow you topinch just the very tips of his pins its a good bonding practice because it feels really good to them also bathing everyday while they are molting will really help sofen thos pins so they aren't so irratating and it will also help the feathers grow in better and faster. I hope he gets over this molt quickly for you don't worry he doesn't hate you He loves you soso much its just those nasty pins hurt him and they are so darn itchy and he can't scratch because it hurts to scratch that would make anybody grouchy don't you think.

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How long does molting last? Because that is how long I would like to trade my beast for Emma. Just a week or so and you can have her back and I'll take my little brat back!! Purdy Please???


Rebel sneak attacks. She's now sweet and lovey to get out of the cage and get what she wants, then WHAM she grabs an arm or whatever she can reach.....


2 weeks ago I couldn't even get her to come out of the cage.

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