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Creating A Bird Room


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We have this back bedroom that gets used maybe 3-5 times a year. I wanted to make it into a bird room, but my hubby quickly shot that idea down. (It's actually his music room area... :laugh:) BUT, he said I could turn the room that the birds are currently in, into a bird room. So, here I am doing research on the idea and hoping to hear from others who have done this.


I want to take everything out of the room but the bird cages, stands, and perches. I thought it would be cool to paint the walls like a forest with trees, grass, and etc. My vision is a room to themselves where they can have free motion of flight, play, and whatever. And, I wanted to bird proof the room.


So, I'm looking for ideas on flooring, safe painting materials, and design tips for perch layouts, etc. And, why this is or isn't a good idea. The only thing I am trying to figure out is the doorways. The back bedroom has a door on hinges that can close. The room is in the front of the house and only has walkways to enter the room. No doors. I was thinking of something screened in, but they would be ab;e to chew right through a screen. So, any suggestions would be fantastic! I'm still in the planning stages and would love to see your bird room if you have one.


And I'm wondering what cleaning up would be like? There is tile in there already, but would it be better to lay down some type of plastic flooring or cheaper Wal-Mart type carpets like I have in there currently?


I included some pictures of the room so you can help with your suggestions. Thanks everyone!









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I dont have a bird room but it is something I have been thinking about.I would think your tile flooring would be perfect in a bird room,very easy to clean.With regards to bird proofing,pay atention to light fittings and try and eliminate electric wires.Window coverings also need thought.

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If that is a ceramic tile flooring. It is the easiest I think to keep clean with birds. Your birds are so lucky!

Use paint that is nontoxic and easy to clean. Special lighting for birds. That's all I have for logical ideas..but I'm not very creative...a tv and dvd's are always welcome to keep the company!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

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I have one idea for the room, why not hang those bead curtains in the doorways, that way you can go thru them easily but the birds won't be able to fly thru them. They can still see you with them up and you can see and hear them so if anything happens that you need to intervene.


There are some interesting ones out there on the market that would probably go good with the room, just google it on the internet.

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My office has become my bird room - and the birds have areas for them and only them. My computer and desk are in one corner of the room so I spend most of my day with "the birds." To prevent my flighted birds from leaving I did hang plastic chain across the door and just walk through it. I also have a baby gate on the door to prevent the dogs from coming into this room. As a safety measure, all electrical cords for the computer and lights are hidden by conduit specifically for wiring. On one part of my desk I have a table top playstand. The floor is porcelan tile with a small area rug (inexpensive) and I use plastic desk protectors in front of each cage to catch poops and wet foods (veggies, fruits) as they all like to eat in and out of the cage. I have numerous hanging toys located throughout the room and a leather chair to relax in and cuddle my babies. This is "my" idea of an office/bird room. I can do what I need to do for school and still spend quality time with my babies.

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Great stuff! The bead curtains are a great idea. I will be on the hunt for those. Mischief likes to climb down from her cage and walk into the kitchen. I have to find something to keep the dogs out and the birds in on the ground level as well. (Even though Mischief is flighted, she loves to walk places!)

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