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Koko crashes in flying exercise


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Mocha and Koko were busy maneuvering in the house this afternoon. For those who do not know Mocha, he is a Hill Mynah.

Mocha is the flight leader and Koko always follow from behind. As they were turning here and there, Mocha came close to the corner of the living room and made a quick U turn. In order to avoid a collision with Mocha, Koko had to make a right turn and crashed into the wall and fell to the ground. Luckily Koko was not hurt in the accident.

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So glad that no one was injured in the manuevers, although their radio communication might need improvement on these exercises. Suggest you upgrade their communications systems and remove those walls so that Koko can avoid them in coming flying exercises. Mocha needs to remember that he's younger and probably a little more of a daredevil than Koko. On the serious side - very glad that Koko was not injured, but was lovely to imagine them flying in chase with each other and made me think of the many "top gun" type movies with the planes.

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