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New Grey Owner: Need some infoadvice


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Hello all! My name is Kurt and I just became the proud new dad of a 3

1/2 month old Grey. I spent 3 days trying to come up with a name. I finally settled on Dobie.


Let me give you some background on what I have observed with Dobie so far... I have not had him/her sexed yet and I'm not sure if I will, as

I don't know if it's overly important. But for the ease of typing, I will refer to Dobie as a he.


So far, Dobie seems to be adjusting to his new environment rather well. We also have cockatiel which he does not appear to like at the moment. Not sure why, possibly due to his new home. According to the breeder, he was weaned approx a week before I got him. He seems to eat well and does not appear to have lost any weight based on the simple scale that I was loaned. He really likes his water softened pellets, which I am gradually making less soft. I have treated him to some veggies and fruits which he likes to throw around after chewing on. He still occasionally does the "baby bird wanting to feed from momma bird actions". To my surprise, he seems quite social with myself, my wife and two children. Even though he likes to wrap his beak around a finger, he doesn't really bite. It seems more like teething. Also, when sitting on my shoulder, he "preens" my ear much like he would his feathers. (with the occasional attempt at finding something in my ear)

All told, I think he is well behaved. He even likes to cuddle in a sense, by burying his head under a chin or in a blanket/towel.

(Sticking his butt right up in the air) I'm sure there is more which I haven't stated here, but if there is anything I should have provided, please ask.


Although I have been going over as much info as I can, I still have some questions which I would like to get 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions on.


1. At 3 1/2 months, should I be feeding him "baby food" or just continue with pellets and veggie/fruit treats?


2. How often should he be fed? (currently he gets breakfast, lunch and dinner)


3. What behaviors should I watch for when feeding that might indicate he is getting enough, not getting enough or is even at the right stage to accept certain food items?


4. What is an appropriate and effective method of potty training?


5. What is a safe wood to make a fun and interesting perch/gym for him to play on?


6. Is it a good idea to play a CD with sounds/phrases that I would eventually like him to say or mimic? (while we are at work and school)


7. Should his cage be covered when we put him to bed?


8. What are the best and most informative links on the internet for

African Greys?


I know I have more questions, I just can't think of them right now.

Any advice and information would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to make any mistakes that would cause harm to my new found friend.

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Guest phishbook

If you bought a fully weaned bird, this should not be an issue. Didn't the breeder supply a care sheet and phone number for after sales advice?

Not qualified to answer this one sorry as the concept is distasteful to me.

If you cannot cope with bird poop, why do you have a bird?


No, a bird learns to talk in order to feel closer to you and be able to communicate with his flock. He is not a feathered tape recorder.

The biggest mistake so far seems to be that you did things the wrong way around. The generally accepted idea is that you do all your research and learning * before* you buy your pet.

I recommend that you get yourself some books, not only on african greys, but also on parrot behaviour so that it will come as no great shock when it reaches maturity and starts nipping, screaming, feather plucking etc. Your sweet baby will not remain the sweet baby you have now.

I recommend 'guide to a well behaved parrot' by Mattie Sue Athan.

'Guide to companion parrot behaviour' and 'my parrot my friend' All can be found on amazon and may help you keep your pet for ever instead of putting him up for sale at 2-3 years old like you see in any classified nespaper, when unwanted behaviours start.

As far as diet goes. What made you decide on a pellet diet?

Think about a quality seedmix, sprouted seeds, cooked food and obviously a large selection of fruit and veg.

What would your bird do if the brand of pellets he was used to, suddenly became unavailable? Greys do not take well to change and if it has been only fed pellets, and you couldn't *get* pellets, would it recognise seed as an alternative?

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  • 4 years later...


iam just waiting to get my baby hell be ready in two weeks i have read lots of books and stuff on the internet bout greys

1.u can actullay potty train them but in does take time and patience they say u will start to notice wen ur bird is gonna poop as they usally tilt tail up wen they tilt tail u have to hold the end of tail gently and say something like wait then put them werever u want them to poop and then give a command to poop they will get used to this and then go ther wen they wan to poop but it will take time

2.as fully weaned u can introduce him to a variety of food/treats eg fruit /veg tastes of different food just remeber never give chocolate/avocdo/coffee/tea/uncooked potato/pear/or anything with salt....u can buy all the dried fruits eg banana/mangos raisian/fig or seeds eg/pumkin pips etc etc

3.there is great wooden perches on ebay i purchased one and also a table top stand all made with safe wood excellent for the greys feet as it differs in size..also very cheap

i cant think of wat other questions u have but id love to keep in touch as we are both new to this baby african world speak to u soon


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Hi Radiant - good on you for asking the questions that you have - they are all important questions. You will find absolutely everything you need to know from this website - don't go changing!


I'll answer the potty training one because that is something I triumphed in! Your baby will wiggle his tail and crouch - they give you a little warning! As soon as he does this lift him (swiftly) and take him to your nominated "poop area". Tell him to "go poop" and after he's done this reward him with a treat.


Harvey hardly ever poops anywhere but his playstand now - and it didn't take him too long to realise he had to poop on this. Withdraw the treats after a while tho - as he'll think he gets one each time he poops!! ;) ;)

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dianemelissa wrote:

lol ive just noticed that aswell ..the question was asked in 2005 ..shouldnt they be deleted after that amount of time lol


The original question was asked in 2005 but Diane brought it back up with her first post and that is why it is here. We do not delete old posts, they stay forever because they contain lots of useful info.


Diane why don't you make your introduction in a new thread in the welcome room and we can go from there.

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