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I got an African grey almost 4 weeks old. Need all the advice I can get. I am hand rearing him . . I would like to know:

When do we put him in a cage?

when do I start weaning and how?

He stays in a box now with wood shavings (Pine) can I take him out during the day to stretch?

When can I start introducing bath time?



All advice and extra advice please mail me on j.duplessis@telkomsa.net

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1--a bird will tell you when to stop a certain feeding. It shouldn't be you that decides. It's called *abu.dance feeding* and what the bird does is simply refuse that particular feeding so that feeding is elimanated. Some birds take longer to reach that point.

2--You can take him out and let him stretch and walk around as many times as he wants to. Most birds do a lot of wing flapping because they're excersing.

3---don't even think about baths right now. That'll happen when the bird is 4/5 months old. An unweaned bird is NEVER bathed.

Cage--you can put him in a small cage and make sure that the perch is only about 2 inches from the bottom of cage. A towel should be used under the perch in case he falls off. In a box,a bird learns how to walk and manuver properly . All birds are different and it's better to be save than sorry.

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You know I hate to be the bad guy or girl in this case but what are the circumstances as to why you have a 4 week old grey and it seems you know little of how to take care of it? Raising baby greys should be left to the breeder who would wean it before selling it.

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Judy, I have been thinking that for the past two hours. Janica, unless this baby bird was left on your doorstep, what on earth possessed you to take this on with little, or even no knowledge?


Could you take this baby back to the breeder - I am so afraid for it?


Please don't take this as criticism or being rude - I don't mean to be - I am worried for you, as well as the baby.

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Thank you so much for all the advice. . MUCH APPRECIATED ! ! ! !


I have done alot of researched before taking the bird, believe in me i have got a file on baby greys to give any persone a fright of research that I have done. . . At the end of the day I am trying to see how many of the same answers I am getting on my questions. I have got a pretty good idea of what to do but like most people I am sure I still doubt myself here and there. Because I love this grey so much I only want the best for him so every little movement he makes I question. . . I am also keeping a diary of his weight gain each day and it average between 14 to 20 grams a day. So far I think myself and Coco is doing good and with the answers I got it seems like the research I gathered is correct.


Once again thank you for all the concern and advice and support.



Janica and Coco. . . . .

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