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Lilo Update with pics


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Lilo has been with us nearly a month now and is doing well. His vocabulary is pretty amazing and is quickly picking up my voice. His new favorite thing to say is "Where's Chicka?". Chicka is what I call the baby TAG Chicken. (he will get his own update or he will get jealous) He has also changed his phone dialing noise to the sound our telephone makes. Someone taught him the noise that a balloon makes when you let the air escape from it and boy is that loud.:blink:


Lilo has started seeking out more attention from me in the past few days. He asks for a scratch and allows it for a second then whacks me with his beak. He asks again and does that again. I think he really wants a scratch but still isn't sure if he wants to trust. Either that or he is evil and just wants to keep nailing me. ;)


His relationship with Chicken is a little strained. Chicken really wants to be friends and flies to him any chance he gets. Lilo on the other hand isn't as excited to be friends and nips at him any chance he gets. As soon as Chicken lands on his play area he quickly starts saying wonderful things like "come here" "scratch" "are you a good bird hmmm?" while he stalks him, he gets close enough, nails him, and then he says "ouch" "no biting" "dont bite". :lol: I have to admit it's an amusing sight but I do wish they could become better friends.




this is Chicken getting ready for a peck from his buddy Lilo.




Jason obviously trusts Lilo a little more than I do.

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Thanks Tracie for the update on Lilo, he seems to be doing fine except for the bites but maybe when he gets to trust you he will stop but he could be testing you to see what you are going to do.


I remember his phone ring but he looks as handsome as ever except for the clipped wings but they will regrow in time. Glad to hear he is doing well.

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