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20 Year old untamed Grey


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Hello we just got a 20 year old Grey from a friend. He was never handled very much, we were told his only human contact came when his cage was being cleaned. :ohmy:

I would like to make some progress with him, he will eat from our hands and is VERY food motivated but also not used to being out of his cage.

Does anyone have any tips or hints that we can employ. I am going to get a perch and get him used to stepping up on to it and slowly get him used to stepping up on a finger, should I just do that for now?

He is a BEAUTIFUL bird.

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I bet he is a beautiful bird but 20 years old he is set in his ways and will be very difficult to get him to let you handle him very much. This will be a long road but not impossible, I doubt he will ever be "tame" but he can be a good pet or companion.


Congrats on taking him in and you will find some help in our many threads and Dave007 will be one to ask for some help as he has dealt with this situation before and is very knowledgeable with greys.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and maybe provide some pictures of him.

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WOw you made a hard choice to take in am older bird that doesn't have allot of contact but there is hope. I brought in a 15 year old grey that hadn't had allot of contact outside of its cage in a while because the owners simply didn't have time and held a daycare in their house.


So I came here on this site for advice and got so much but my mission isn't over it is a constant transition. SO here you go with my advice. Keep the birds cage open and sit by the cage do not pressure the bird to step up or come out until it is comfortable and used to you. No matter what their trust makes the difference. Put the cage where the fid can see you at all time or where the most action is and talk to it lots. Use it food to your advantage and one tip if one person is always feeding them they tend to be the person they will more trusting too. Food is the way to a greys heart. One you have gained trust which can take weeks or months then work on step ups, kisses, and anything else. Also make sure you give the bird lots of stuff to chew and play with. I cannot stress enough by what i have learned from the pro's on this site to give the bird time that is sosososo important.


Good luck and read read read.

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Yes, that's a good start but you should do all of these things in a quiet area ( room with 4 walls) where only you and the bird will be in. It'll take time. It should be done every day.If he was only handled when his cage was being cleaned then what you should do is handle him when his cage is being cleaned except for one thing---after finishing, don't put him back in the cage. Close doors of the cage. Buy or build a very simple T-Stand for him and that's where you should put him. Make sure that the stand isn't next to the cage. Walk aroundhim all day long and constantly talk to him. Since he will accept bits of food without going on the attack, have treats in your pocket to hand him. theyu could be nuts or you can buy some honey coated treats that all birds like. Have interesting things on the top of the cage. When in a very quiet room with him, make sure he's on the flloor. Expect him to fly or run away. Just stay there and repeat the process. Only get him used to the perch first, not hands and perch. The reason is that he'll eventually move closer a d closer to your hand as time goes on. Remember that you're dealing with a mature bird who has some habits that you'll have to deal with.

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