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New Grey owner needs advice on biting and noises!!


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Hi Everyone! Im a new grey owner for three days now! :) My husband and I decided to buy one from a breeder near to our home, as my husband is used to these birds and adored his old african grey who passed away when he was in his teens. Roddy (Full name Roddenberry - trekkie fans!) is 4 months old and has been hand reered though is a little temperamental!! I am the one who is trying to train him whilst my husband is in work, and yesterday I made good progress in lessening him biting me. At first he would almost strike whenever I got near him, but after patience and alot of lovey dovey talking he soon came round and started coming up to me and allowing me to stroke him gently for a few minutes before he would move away. However this morning he's back to his old tricks and lunging at me again. Is this normal?? I know I dont expect miracles right now but I did want him to become more familiar with me. How can I get the biting to stop completely and not be back to square one in the morning??

Also I wanted to ask about noises. Some things Im very confused about when he makes them and was wondering if someone could shead some light on it! He sort of clicks his tongue against his beak sometimes...is this normal and what does it mean?? Also he makes a grinding noise often when i stroke him or am near, is this a bad sign?

I have read that when he shakes his tail feathers also that means he's happy - true of false?

Sorry to ask so many questions Im desperate tomake sure my parrot is healthy and happy however long it takes I want to know Im heading in the right direction!!! :)

Thank you!

Sam and Roddy

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Three days is just not enough time for him to be settled into his new home, give him some time to become comfortable and learn how to read his body language to know when not to mess with him.


You have to earn his trust and he just doesn't trust you yet and also he is testing you to see what you will do or allow him to get away with. You will never get him to stop biting completely as that is one of their ways of communication but you can avoid it most of the time.


Clicking is a common sound from a grey, my greys does it and the grinding of the beak is a sign of contentment and they usually do that when relaxed as when they get ready to go to sleep.


Yes they shake their tail feathers when happy but also to just shake them back into place. I think you are headed into the right direction but if you have any more questions just ask.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

one thing you need to learn about parrots and it is this; they bite. :evil: i have learned to live with it and you will twoo. otherwise face a lifetime without ur bird. :unsure:


someone had to say it.

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Thanks everyone! I do understand that 3 days is only a small amount of time for him to get used to everything, thats why Im giving him lots of love and treats and talking to him so he knows I only love him and am not going to hurt him. Its going to take a few weeks/months for him to be fully content but Im willing to take all the bites along the way!! :) I know Ill have loads more questions to ask you guys regarding Roddy to make him the happiest bird alive.

I hope that he'll come around soon and be willing for me to stroke him and for him to approach me. Is there anything I need to do to help him understand this??

Thanks so much everyone!

Sam and Roddy

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Just a quick update! Roddy seems to be doing alot better. He's allowing me to stroke him occasionally on the belly and on the head. He also was so keen to see what myself and my husband were eating one day he climbed down his perch and flew to the bed so he could spend time with us! :) He's still a little fussy in the morning and will try and bite but once he's out of his cage and remembers who i am he lets me stoke him with not alot of hiccups! Im taking it real slow, I sit by him and talk to him and watch tv with him, just to try and develop a relationship. I just wanted to ask am I one the right path? Is there an more I need to do??

I treat him when he's very good with praise and almonds (which he loves) and ignore him when hes bad i.e. tries to bite. Is this appropriate?


Sam and Roddy

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Hi Sam & Roddy,

Welcome to the Forum!

Sam it sounds as though you adore this bird - wanting to make him the happiest bird alive is quite a goal to aim for!!

As the others have said, you haven't had him long and he just needs to settle in a bit. hopefully the biting will stop. I've had my grey since May 08, and she really only started to test me sort of this summer with her nips, but we are coming to an understanding and the biting has largley stopped! :)

So don't be put of because Roddy is biting at the minute - there is hope!!

Good luck with her.


Lyn & Alfie



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Thankyou Lyn and Alfie!

He seems to be settling in more and the biting has lessened so I know progress has been made! :) Im just taking everything slowly day by day and i know its going to take time. You are right I have completely fallen in love with him. I never thought i would get attached to a bird let alone in such a short space of time, but i love spending time with him and adore it when he allows me to stroke him or comes near me!! I know it would be the hardest thing to make him the happiest bird alive due to the other african greys on this forum who are no doubt SO happy but Ill do my best! Thanks for all your advice guys; i know im on the right track now and will take it one day at a time!


Sam and Roddy

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I love how you put it "progress is being made" rather than saying Roddy is making progress at not biting. He is making progress at teaching you to understand his communication... when will that human ever be trained to listen to me. LOL You are a few steps ahead of me to make him the happiest bird alive, so I will learn from you.

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