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Haven't eat for 3 days


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Hi! I need help..


My sister's husband's mother has a grey.. A timneh!


The last 3 days it haven't wanted to eat. It seems a little lax.


Is there a way to force the food in it? he/she bites. They are about to call an animal hospital now..

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Oh NicoleA - that's terrible. Did they say what degree of renal failure or the life expectancy - or even whether your vet feels this is recoverable?


I have no idea what a creatinine or urea is supposed to be in a parrot, but to help your baby's diet and support its renal failure please try and stay away from potassium rich foods (which is very difficult as all fruit, veg and beans are high in potassium). The worst is tomatoes and bananas (the others are chocolate and coffee - which obviously you would NEVER give to your baby).


Did you vet mention fluid restrictions or any other supportive therapy? It's just that in human renal failure the kidneys can't pump out enough toxins and patients are usually put on a fluid restriction.


I'm sorry with all of the questions, but this is a terrible time for you and perhaps some of the avenues you should be exploring with you vet.


Humans can live with a mild degree of kidney failure, but medical management limits progression. Can your vet help you with this?

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