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How to get a Sun Conure to take a bath!


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1. Fix a bowl of chicken soup.


2. Conure should be on his play stand and happy.


3. Don't have any paper towels, napkins, throw rugs or anything of that sort available.


4. Sit down to eat your chicken soup.


5. Conure will fly from playstand and happily land in your bowl of chicken soup.


6. Thank the Almighty that the soup wasn't steaming hot as you scoop up little bird from bowl.


7. Look around frantically for something to wipe chicken soup up with and wipe bird with.


8. Realize sink is right there.


9. Set bird on counter.


10. Turn on water.


11. Reach for dish towel to clean up mess.


12. Watch in amazement as little conure decides running tape water is better than chicken soup and is happily sitting in the sink taking a bath with the running water.


13. Stand there wondering if this will work with your Grey!<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/10/07 22:12

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That was so funny but my conure tried to take a bath in the dishwater one time, she sits on my shoulder but when I am doing something she hangs off my shirt trying to get into what I am doing, well I was doing some dishes in the sink and she didn't hang on good enough and she fell into the water, good thing it wasn't hot.


She will sometimes take a bath in her water bowl but if she knows I am going to take her and give her a bath she will fly from me and try to avoid it but I get her anyway.

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I can just picture that poor little conure covered in chicken soup poor thing. They really don't care what they bath in as long as its wet they love to baththats for sure leat he cleaned himself up under the tap my Conures used to bath like that also.{Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/07 23:00

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