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Chicken Bones?


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My birds look at me funny also when I offer them a bone with no chicken on it. But offer them a piece of chicken and they are in birdy heaven all my birds will do just about anything for a piece of chiken or turkey or fish I think if they had their way that would be all they would eat. so its definatly a treat once or twice a month.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/08 04:33

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

cooked and uncooked chicken bonez are a favorite of my birdz. i dont deny them that. what they want. they get B) b/cuz i luv them.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

"if: is the operative word. It iz doubt full they will get salmonella. Raw food diets are recommended for petz. U should check it out.

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Jamal - Never recommend to anyone to feed a parrot raw meat, bones etc.


That is a risk NO ONE should take.




If YOU like taking chances with you birds life, you are a very poor bird owner in my opinion.


YOU NEED TO RESEARCH, NOT ME. I did my homework long ago.

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I cannot believe that you are feeding your bird raw meat - would you eat raw chicken yourself? It is absolutely DEADLY - Please type this into google:


Feeding Parrots Raw Meat - it's really clever and brings up hundreds of articles - mostly entitled NEVER, DANGEROUS, DEADLY etc etc.


If you are feeding your parrot raw meat you are taking unneccessary, stupid risks and I deplore you for not taking Dan's absolutely, bang on, correct advice.

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judygram wrote:

Make enough for me then for I love chicken salad!


Me too - but minus the chicken - I'm a vegetarian!!! :laugh:


I think it's a bit canabalistic - but all in the line of great parrot care!


Hope Rebel accepts the chicken bone and isn't chicken!

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ok, so...


1 chicken salad

1 veggie salad


1 chicken bone....


Got it!!


I'll try to get pictures. Rebel doesn't much care for the camera, but I keep clicking. I end up with a bunch of bad pictures. I keep thinking one day one of them will be good.



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OK, now this thread has made me hungry for some BBQ'd Chicken....My Son has it on the grill now.....mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm....mmmmmmmmm :-)


Rice pilaf, mixed veggies and salad sides.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'll save a couple of bones for Dayo. ;-)

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