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concerned about eating


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I kept seeds in cage also. He stopped eating them also. I called breeder for update. He told me that he thinks his blood sugar is low. He says I have to keep him there overnight. He said he will have his vet draw a blood sugar. I'm worried my poor babu grey won't make it. What if he doesn't make it. I've invested so much money in this little guy in the 1 month I had him. Over 2 grand. This really is horrible.

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I feel your anxiety and also your love and devotion for your Grey.


I pray that all turns out well with the breeder taking care of it and also with the input results from tests already done and the additional blood sugar level test.


If your Grey does happen to die, I would expect the breeder to provide another free of charge. However, I also know that the loss of your present baby would hurt deeply.


Please keep us update as this progresses. We care deeply also.

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Update on charlie. The breeder told me that Charlie looks a little better. He handfed him formula all day yesterday and saved him from dying. He rehydrated him with all the formula so he looks better. He now is going to bring the bird to his vet and do bloods and find out why he stopped eating all of a sudden. What do you think it could be?????? Its really sad, that I have to be going through all of this. I bought this bird 1 month ago. What should I do guys. I dont want to end up with a sick bird. Although, I am very bonded with this guy. What could have caused all of this.

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jackyshay wrote:

What should I do guys. I dont want to end up with a sick bird. Although, I am very bonded with this guy. What could have caused all of this.


I know your nervous and rightly so. But you love the little guy and the breeder seems to know exactly what their doing and taking all the right actions.


This may be hard, but I would just pray for the little guy and see what the vet visit comes back with.


It could be your Grey simply did not eat, drink and became dehydrated and weak.

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That is awful jackyshay - your poor, poor bird and obviously terrible for yourself. PBFD is devastating and I am so sad for you and your baby.


What are you going to do? Are you going to keep him and treat him (although there is no cure, vitamins and supplements can help him live longer).


I feel so bad for you - but at least you have an answer now - and there is absolutely nothing you could have done to prevent this. It's not your fault. :(

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he siad he can give me another grey in 1 month time. He wants the virus to die out in my house. Or he said he can give me a blue fronted amazon baby. He said the virus does not effect this breed of bird. So, I dont know what to do. I love both breeds of birds.

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This breaks my heart. I'm familar with the disease. It's a virus that attacks the DNA of a bird. Eventually, it'll spread to the outer feathers changing their color and those feathers usually start falling out. Unfortunately, there is no cure. When it occurs, it's usually when birds are very young. It can also happen with older birds of other species especially cockatoos, lovebirds, budgies and ringnecks.

If you are gonna get a replacement which is what usually happens from the breeder, you'll need to disinfect everything that the bird came into contact with. I'm really sorry about this misfortune but you should feel better that the bird is extremely young. Having an older bird that you've built up a relationship contracts this disease, it can be seriously heartbreaking.

You need to make sure that the bird is totally weaned because a vet can't perform all the tests (*well* check) on a bird that hasn't breen totally weaned and hasn't developed an immune system which a fully weaned has. Try to understand that a bird that's that age won't suffer very much. Chin up. We're all feeling your loss.

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I am sorry about what you and Charlie have been through. You have worked so hard and have been loving and caring in trying to figure out how to help him. My heart goes out to all of you involved in his young life. It is a small consolation to understand that it was through no cause on your part. My sincerest condolences and admiration for the effort you have expended to help your little guy.

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