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concerned about eating


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Maybe you guys can give me some help on this. My baby 4 months old will not touch his pellets. I have 2 bowls of differnent pellets in his cage all day. I also have a bowel of mixed fruits and veggies. He wont touch any of these bowels. But, when I take him out of cage in morning and evening he will eat stuff by hand no problem. I am really concerned that he will starve when I am not home all day. However, whats amazing is if I put a bowel of mixed seeds in his cage. He will devour them. WHat should I do. Should I leave seeds in his cage during the day. I am so confused on this whole food issue. Today, I found my gray at the bottom of cage just sitting there. I dont know if he was there because he was exploring the bottom of cage. I never saw him on bottom before. Is he hungry???

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Well our beloved babies can be very picky eaters. I would always keep pellets in the cage but like you said he needs to eat so also offer some seed but make it harder to get too. Also when you are home offer plenty of hand food, fruits and veggies. The seed isn't going to kill it just isn't the best choice. I also have a bird that loves seed and I have tried every pellet on the market with no luck but I always have it in her cage and she does eat it sparingly! Good luck and hope that helps.

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My Grey was a picky eater when she was a baby. But now she eats any food fed to her. She will finish her favorites and eat a little on foods that she doesn't like.

She hated pellets formerly. She will finish the pellets now when she is hungry.


They will change their eating habits as they grow up.

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The pellets are very important nutritionally - keep persevering. I am currently trying to change Harvey to Harrisons and the only way he will eat it is mixed in with some palm oil and his veggies (which is fine when I'm in, but not during the day due to veggies going stale)- it might help if they are "soggy".


Harvey too loves his seed, and I will often find him with a dirty face, having put his head nearly through his veggies to get to it!


The bottom of the cage thing is a mystery though - Harvey NEVER ventures down there - but I know lots do! Good luck! I'm with you all the way! :)

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Thank you all for advice. I have also noticed that his poops have decreased since yesterday. He usually takes big ones in the morning and when I get home from work. This morning it was a very little. Is this because of him not eating correctly during the day. Just getting nervous because he was hanging around bottom of cage and seems a little bit quiet. Also, he is puffed up more often for the last week. Could it also be the change in weather in NY. Its been a little bit chilly but not extremely cold.


Should I keep the seeds in the cage so he gets at least sonme nutrition. Didnt think having a baby grey at 4 months old would be this stressful.lol



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jackyshay wrote:

Should I keep the seeds in the cage so he gets at least some nutrition. Didn't think having a baby grey at 4 months old would be this stressful.lolThanks


Yes, leave the seed mix in the cage during the day. AS


Jill noted,also put a bowl of Pellets moisten with juice like apple, grape etc. You Grey may try them in that softer state.


Four months is very young, still growing a little, especially feathers and bone density. Pellets are an unnatural item to them and quite frankly, may not be very tasty to them. My Grey would not touch pellets at all until he was 1.5 years old and only a few now and then. However, there have been pellets in his cage since the day he came home.


Make sure you have a digital scale and weigh you bird daily if you can. You need to maintain his body weight and also since it's getting cold, I can guarantee you he is getting a little cool too as his body starts to adjust to cooler temps.

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Thanks, Just worried he is sick. Just last week ago he was climbing all over the cage. This week he seems to just sit on perch puffed up. Also decrased poop. Should I take him to a vet, or is it him just adjusting to the cooler temp. I added a seed mix to his cage. He ate a little. But, just sitting there listening to my voice.

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First, remove him from that room with the washer.


Second (Actually First) Yes, take him to a vet for a wellness check. Also, make sure you weigh him, the vet will, but you need to have a digital scale to weigh your Grey at least weekly.

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Hi Jacky, as has already been suggested it may be a good idea to have him checked-out. Try not to worry too much your baby is very young. My baby used to spend virtually all his time at the bottom of his cage - even sleeping there and has only recently stopped doing this (he is now 9 months old) but still occasionally explores there.


If I were you I'd offer as much variety of foods as possible including veggies, fruits, pellets and seeds, he will eat whatever takes his fancy. No bird in good health will starve himself. Try reducing the amount of food offered by hand and gradually phase this out. It sounds to me like he is only semi-weaned. Have you had him long? Is he is still getting used to a new environment?

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I had him around 1 month. He was totally fine about a week ago. He would climb all over the cage. He would jump at me from his perch. His poops were big. This last week he seems different. He is more puffed up then normal, and not really climbing that much. Maybe, he does. I am at work all day. But, he just seems different. When I got him a month ago the breeder told me that he is eating by himself. But, I wanted to bond with him so i started feeding him by hand. He now looks up at me and all he does is vocalize with me and eats my finger. Meaning he hold my finger and eats like a baby with that bobbing up and down. Just these past week he just seems differnet

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I'm really pleased you are taking him to the vet as I just read your other post regarding the washing machine. Please do take him out of there no only for health reasons but social ones too.


Eating wise, when we first got our grey we were told not to feed him by hand too often as it becomes how they expect to receive their food. Please try reducing this in a gradual way and providing he is in good health he will take food from wherever when hungry. As I said, try not to worry.

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Took him to the vet. He weighs 418 grams. The vet said he his very thin at 4 months. She think he has a bacterial infection. She took throat and cloaca cultures. She put him on antibiotics. She said if the tests come back negative. Then she will have to draw blood or xrays to rule out liver or other disease. Gee Whizz. I just got the bird. Is this the norm. Wow. He doesnt look that sick. He just seems undernourished. I noticed some blood on the back of his claw. Maybe, he injured it and thats the whole problem Who knows. This is stressinf me out more then ever.

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Jill is right, birds are masters of hiding illness, thats what protects them in the wild as sick birds are easy prey but I am glad you got him to the vet and now he is on antibiotics, poor dear. No this is not the norm but it happens and now that he is getting meds he should get better soon, please keep us informed.

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Baby grey still not eating. He is now regurgitating stuff I am giving him. I callled vet and she told me to rush him to an animal hospital. I called the breeder instead. The breeder told me not to go to hospital and to bring the baby bird to him immediatley. I brought the bird there. He told me that the bird is malnourished and needs to be handfed. So, he wants me to leave the baby with him. He said the reason he is like this is because I was so focused on only giving pellets to the baby. He said i should have left the seeds in the cage also. And eventually wean him off of seeds later. So, anyho, My baby is with him . I am so stressed.

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I would have rushed to the vet immediately. With the regurgitating as a possible sign of illness and the staying on the bottom of the cage. Birds are very quick to disguise their maladies and then when they show signs it's often times too late. Good luck, I hope things turn out well.

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Called the vet. She told me she can't figure out what's wrong. Paid 400 bucks yesterday for that answer. Now, she wants me to go to animal hospital. The breeder told me it's definilty malnoutrition. He said he will handfeed baby for me. I actually trust thus guy. He's a petexpert and all over tv. Will see.

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jackyshay wrote:


He said the reason he is like this is because I was so focused on only giving pellets to the baby. He said i should have left the seeds in the cage also. And eventually wean him off of seeds later.


I'm a bit confused - nobody told you to remove the seeds from your cage - merely to offer pellets too - so I find this statement from your breeder slightly perplexing.


You only asked for advice about pellets yesterday - so how can your breeder decide that it's due to persevering with pellets - surely you feed your grey vegetables and fruit too? Not only seed?


I really hope that your breeder is experienced enough to help your baby - but I'm worried about his reasons he feels that your baby is malnourished.

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