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It's time for bed here in England, my 6 month old baby Squonk has been tucked up in his cage for a while as his little eyelids couldn't stay open. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have him in my life, we both love each other, I know he has bonded with me as he preens my hair every day and he just seeems so happy generally. We have 2 Persian cats and 2 dogs, we never leave Squonk alone with them but they all seem so happy together, one of the cats, 'Evie' sleeps on the bottom of the playstand but has to dodge the poops, the other cat sleeps on my lap next to Squonk, the dogs don't take much notice of him as have encountered the beak! They are just a bit jealous of any food I feed Squonk and hang around for his leftovers, the bits that haven't been thrown down my cleavage that is!, the beak gets cleaned on my face if Squonk eats anything slightly damp! But Oh the love! :kiss:

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Fendana wrote:

It's time for bed here in England


Good God! I'd been in bed two hours by the time you even posted this!!!


I love it when Harvey's in the mood for a cuddle and a kiss (when HE chooses to be of course). My life too has changed dramatically since Harvey's arrival - he definitely keeps me on my toes! :)

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I cant imagine not having Charlie now.He is just like a family member.He is very loving,when he feels like.Something special about a bird putting trust in you enough for scritches and a cuddle.I think the comunication I have with Charlie is amazing,I really believe he understands much of what I say to him.Oh yes, his understanding is selective,He knows what he wants to know.I have a very special bond with him.

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