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question on talking


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I know that not all greys speak. Is there any way or indication that your grey will be a talker. My grey is 4 months old. When I first got him and stood outside the room and talked to him. It sounded like he was trying to talk. He did this for about a week. Now, when I stand by the door all he does is chirp and make baby noises. Is it way to early to judge????



Jacky Shay

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It'll take longer than 4 mts to find out if your bird will talk. The sounds he's making may be him practicing some human words he's heard or he may be practicing future sounds of parrotese. Simply keep talking to him and if he's a talker, you'll eventually hear it. Lots of greys don't start talking until they're 6 to 8 mts old. Of course that doesn't apply to every grey. It's an individual thing and only time and you practicing with him will allow you to see results.

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I was worried that Tobie wouldn't talk when he was 8 months old and had only learned one phrase. ("what's- up") He really didn't expand his vocabulary until he was over a year old. Now at two he seems to learn a new word or phrase every week or two. Be very patient and never stop talking to him and other family members.

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