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is it advisable for me to get one?


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Hello, I am currently researching African Grey and if they would make a good companion for me. I have one pressing issue left that may be a show stopper, and want to get other peoples opinions.

From what I read, African Greys need 10-12 hours of sleep every night.

I usually wake up at 7:30, and at work by 8:20.

I leave work at about 4:15, and get home just before 5.


I rarely ever work over time (maybe 2 or 3 times a year, and usually only an hour... maybe 2), and never work on weekends.


Is it realistic to own an African Grey with this type of work schedule? If it needs 12 hours of sleep, means I would have to put it to bed at around 7:15, barely giving me any time to look after it after work.

Or is it possible to put it to bed around 9:30 and not do anything with it in the morning?

Does anyone here work full time, where you are gone 9 hours a day and still have an awesome relationship with your bird?

I know it isn't the ideal situation, I am just wondering if the bird can deal with this situation if it has a lot of toys.

If people think it would be a horrible idea for me to get a grey based on my work schedule then I am fine with that, and will take your advise and not get one.<br><br>Post edited by: harmar, at: 2009/10/06 20:09

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My boyfriend and I both work full time hours as well, although our schedules don't exactly coincide (I work between 11am and 8pm, he works 9am to 5:45pm) so Chimay doesn't get a full 8 hours alone during the day. But he used to...before my work schedule changed. We have a great relationship with him, and it really is crucial to have engaging toys to keep him occupied. On a side note, "engaging" toys doesn't mean "tons" of toys (i.e. foraging toys, mechanical toys, etc). Haha. I learned that one the hard way...it is easy to accidentally overload the cage with too much stuff that will take away from his freedom to move around.


Having had Chimay since March, I can say that you also have to take more into consideration than just your work schedule. That was something that we'd underestimated when we got Chimay. We do plan some 3 day weekend trips regularly during the summer, which we didn't take into account when deciding to get a grey and I wound up staying home for much of the summer trips taken. So be sure to keep your "outside of work" life in mind because that can play a big part in the decision to get a grey as well.

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Don't let making sure they get a perfect '12 hours' of sleep drive you away from getting this bird. Yoshi almost never gets that much sleep straight and it has never been an issue, they adapt pretty darn well to your schedule (at least my experience with birds). Looks like we have a similar schedule... I'm in the Air Force, at work by 7:30 and home by 5pm... no weekend or overtime usually, just the odd occasion...


Yoshi is awake till 11 with us most nights, and we wake up and go to work at from 6-8 am... if Yoshi is tired she takes naps... if she is on her playstand downstairs and is tired she cuddles up on one foot to her favorite fluffy toy, and if we are all upstairs near her cage, she lets us know she is ready for lights out by climbing back into her cage and onto her sleeping spot (which right now is her treat bowl lol). She is such a lovable bird... and although there is lots going on early morning and late night interrupting her sleep, I suspect she makes up for it whenever she feels like it.


Greys are awesome pets, I love my Yoshi to death, good luck and I hope this helped! :)<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/10/06 20:44

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Also, about being away a lot. I understand the worry, and only get a Grey if you have time to spend with it. But if you want one badly enough, I believe you can make it work.


My husband is at home half the day doing college work while I am gone, so Yoshi isn't actually totally 'alone' that long, but my husband is busy and she doesn't get much attention until later when I am also home.


What did I do to help with this? Many things:


We bought an awesome $400 large cage for her to explore, with a playtop and a big amount of toys and perches and foods. Initially it was expensive, but it's worth it for our Yoshi. Second, we have a 'Birdy Media Center' set up so that we can play movies, music videos, and just music anytime we want for our baby. Third, whenever someone is home, Yoshi is with them, either out on her cage playtop while my husband and I study, or on her rolling playstand that goes all over the house with us. She loves being where we are :) Dinner is a big deal with Yoshi, she loves being all over the kitchen counter, tasting everything we make (as long as it's safe) and giving kisses and turning around and learning for tidbits of cheese and chicken and almond...


I believe Yoshi knows that we love her and spend all the time we can with her, and she is a very happy (and probably a bit spoiled :P) bird.

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We work full time too - Harvey averages about 8 - 9 hours on a week day, but I make sure he has the 12 on the weekend - he's out most of the day then, so I don't feel guilty putting him to bed earlier.


I would add that Harvey is in a much better mood when he does get his full quota - but I really wouldn't worry too much - as long as when you do put him to bed it's quiet and out of the way if possible.


Good luck in your search and decision. :)

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i work full time and live alone which means tigerlily spends about 9hrs alone, i work shifts so this is at different times of the day. tigerlily usually goes 2 bed around 10pm and she is my alarm clock around 6-7pm and we have a wonderful relationship.

in my opinion don't let people say you shouldn't leave greys alone for long periods as long as you give it your full attention when u r home u should b fine.

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thanks this was very reassuring! I was very worried a grey might not be right for me just based off of my work schedule.

Everywhere I looked it says 10-12 hours a night, and napping during the day does not make up for less sleep. But glad to hear others are successful with less.

Ideally, I would like to spend 10-20 minutes in morning with it (changing water, give breakfast, say hello, etc)

Then when I get home at 5 take out of its cage until about 9 at night then put it to bed, which would give it 10 hours of sleep.


I am not really a vacation person. I take maybe 1 couple day vacation a year (This year went to Niagara falls for 3 days, but that was only time I was gone longer than 12 hours from my house this year).

I was planning on going to Florida sometime next spring for a week, but other things in my life has changed and that is now most likely not happening (I will be moving next summer, so need to save money.. although saving part might disappear if I get a parrot hah). Although me moving, will put me closer to my work, so the 30 min drive might only turn into a 5 minute drive, so may go home for lunch and see how the grey is doing.

Plus I work at a small company, other people occasionally bring in their pets, I may bring my bird to work.



I have 1 other question. Right now I live in an old house, it gets a little chilly in the winter. What is a suitable room temperature for a bird? When I move it won't be an issue, but in this house it may be.

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I know reading some of those books can worry the crap out of you, I read them all before I got Yoshi because I wanted to do everything right. But I've had other birds before, and Yoshi ended up the same. While all those books contain very important information, and these parrots DO require a lot of attention and buying one isn't to be taken lightly, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, and don't expect everything to be perfect straight away, and are willing to work with any problems that crop up, you will be just fine :)


Also, I read your other post... we were also told that Timneh's were more hardy to change... I do not know if there is scientific evidence behind this, but I can tell you Yoshi is living in an even changing environment, and does not get afraid of room changes, new things in or on her cage, etc. I rearrange the cage every other week and she goes all over the house, as I know our lifestyle is always-changing, especially in the military, so I want her used to it. The only thing she will fly away from is our 'automatic vacuum' the Roomba, probably because it's loud and hits the walls and moves around on it's own lol. She is fine with the hand held vacuum...


You also mentioned that your breeder clipped your baby's wings before you could decide for yourself. Mine did the same thing unfortunately, and by now Yoshi is flapping like a maniac, she loves her wings and trys so hard to fly. Don't worry, they will grow back eventually, and think VERY carefully before clipping them again. Birds are meant to fly :P


Sorry for the bombardment of replys, lol, I just feel you are in a similar situation that I was in not long ago :P

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I commend your efforts to understand and learn about greys in detail before deciding to let yourself into the life of one.


On workdays Rishi gets about 8-9 hours of sleep during the night. We are not at home between 7 and 5. We presume he takes naps during this time.


HE is with us and my 2 cockatiels till 8 PM when they all go to sleep. Rishi is up at 5 AM and the tiels at 6 AM.


During weekends he is in his cage till 7 AM. He, the tiels and I nap in the afternoon for a couple of hours.He and the tiels nap on my shoulder.


I wouldn't worry too much about getting the perfect 10-12 hour night sleep.


Afternoon_nap.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2009/10/06 21:43


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As far as bedtime goes, I've notice that Chimay's body clock is pretty accurate and he actually wants to go to bed around 9pm. It only took a couple of days when he first started using his night cage to really insist on bedtime on-time. Haha. He gets us up at about 7am each morning, bout 10 hours of sleep each night.

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Dixie and Beau (my greys) all have regular bedtimes - and that's 8:00 pm. By that - their lights go out, the tv gets turned down and we sit and watch some tv. Beau has taken to sitting on my lap and Dixie is usually on my shoulder (mind you Beau has only been here two nights). So completely dark is usually around 10:00, however, they are up at 6:30 a.m. every morning and let me know it. Mood wise, they are fine. The finicky one is Sterling my U2. He wants lights out at 9:00 and is up at 7:00. They do adapt to your schedule fairly well, just be consistent.

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