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badly broken nail (not bleeding)


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Hi, My grey got injured somehow last night. I didn't notice it until about a half hour ago, when after I got him out of the shower I noticed there was blood on my hand. When I inspected his nails, one of them is very badly broken.


The bleeding has stopped (only bled a tiny bit today) and I cannot find any blood in his cage. The thing I am worried about is that ti seems like the "quick" part od his nail is exposed. I am worried about infection.


This is the first time my bird has ever been injured, so I am not sure what to do. Does this injury warrant a visit to the vet, or can it be taken care of at home?


The closest avian vet to me is 3 hours away and I have a bird friendly vet that is about an hour away.


The broken nail doesn't seem to be bothering him much, he is actually perched on that foot currently, but if you touch it he isn't very happy.


So, any advice? Is there some type of antibiotic that I can give him? Could I put an antibacterial creme on it (or would it harm him if he ate it?)....


:unsure: bird.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: greygurl, at: 2009/10/06 18:58


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Just get some Quick Stop at the pet store or use talcom powder or use flour , take a Q-tip, dampen it, stick it iny of the 3 above, press q-tip against end of nail and press it against nail for 2 minutes. That'll stop the bleeding immediately, if it bleeds again later, do the same thing.

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I'd check the dropping tray and see if the nail is there. I hate to suggest this but they looks as if he/she may have chewed it off. My male chews on his toes but has never chewed a nail off.


par the chat conversation; my vote is call the 1-hour away vet and ask if they feel confident in handling this matter. If not call the 3-hr away vet and tell them you are on your way.


I'm hesitant to say use peroxide on it, as that might cause it to start bleeding again.

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Yeah that looks sore. Kea did the same a couple of months ago and we put flour on it until we found the quick stop in the house. We just made her stay in the cage for a day so as not to aggrevate the foot and to rest it. We also just kept an eye on it for infection.

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