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Going on holiday


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Hi Guys


My neighbour also has a grey, and is going away for a week. What do you think would be less stressful for the bird? Bringing the bird in here, so she is with me or leaving her next door, in her own surroundings with me going in and out all day and leaving the tv or radio on for her during the day?


Thanks guys



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Guest Lidia

I would say take her in with you so she can see you and hear you during most of the day. She might feel quite abandoned if she is alone in her house at night as well as during the day.

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Guest briansmum

yes i agree with lidia, although she would be more comfortable being in her own house, she would be confused as to why there was no one there, and as lidia said feel abandoned. there is rarely an easy solution to leaving a grey, but i think it is the lesser of 2 evils to have her live with you at least there she has company and reassurance she is not alone.

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I feel the same as Beccy, she would have more attention and company in your house versus letting her stay at home where no one is. She may resort to some bad behaviors if left alone too much. Plus it is easier on you to have her at home with you.

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