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Hi It's us again :-) .


Here's another update and one very important question.


These days Fiti is more and more comfortable with us and he lets me coddle him. I started letting him out, and yesterday he stepped on my arm and soon he was on my shoulder! I was so happy! Later he even stepped from my hand to my girlfriend's arm and went on her shoulder too. BUT, this morning when I woke up i went to the cage and opened the door , he came to me, I coddled him and then he suddenly moved away. From that moment every time i try to come near him with my finger or palm he creaks and he never did that, and i never heard that kind of creak.

Like he is scared, but i don't know why, i didn't make any noise or anything to upset him and he spent the night quietly.

After an hour or so i let him out and after some time he came to my bed and he walked around me. But every time i try to touch him he growls or creaks, and listen to this - right now while I type this message he is ON MY SHOULDER. I can touch him with my head but he growls quietly. He won't take food from my hand either. What can be the cause for this kind of behavior? What should i do?

THANK YOU ALL !<br><br>Post edited by: pixie, at: 2009/11/08 17:45

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Something may have caused him to feel like his personal boundaries were breached. We just got our boy yesterday and he does not want to be touched yet. Fiti may just be pulling back a little and watching to see how much he trusts you again. There is a good post on body language that describes how he might lower his head to elicit a scratch. If you give him some space he will come back to the cuddles and scratches. He is a beautiful bird and it is nice to see how much you both are enjoying and interacting with him.



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I touched him so many times and from the first time he gave me permission to touch him he never showed reactions he is showing now. I am worried because he won't take food from my hand and he doesn't seem to want to go inside cage to eat or drink, he just sits on top of his cage, grooms and sleeps occasionally. I see that sometimes his belly feathers tremble, i hope he is fine and that the only cause is that today is his "don't bother me" day.

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Something is scaring your Grey. Has anything about you changed like, haircut, way your combing it, perhaps wild shirt on, something new in the room etc?


That growl indicates they are afraid. The trembling feathers also indicate he is afraid.


Your Grey will be fine, once you figure out what it is. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

Something is scaring your Grey. Has anything about you changed like, haircut, way your combing it, perhaps wild shirt on, something new in the room etc?


My girl's first comment to this was ... " you definitely need a haircut but i don't think it's different than yesterday " :woohoo:


Thanks I'll try to find what that could be, but I'm sure that nothing changed since yday.

I'll keep you posted. And if anyone has anything to add please do !

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