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Cleaning day with Darius


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Well today was cleaning day and Darius wanted to help I was trying to sweep and and wash my kitchen floor. Darius decided that the broom looked like something to play with and he kept grabbing it everytime I went to sweep finallly it was time to get the dust pan out and sweep up the pile of dust and dirt or so I thought Darius grabbed the dust pan and ran for all it was worth down the hallway with me right behind him telling him to give it back. When I finally got it away from him it had a huge crack in it. Well after I finally finished getting the floor done it was time to clean up his cage and the surrounding area. I was doing pretty good until I tryed useing the wisk broom to sweep all the larger pieces of wood that were chewed up around his cage before I vacumed I even gave him a new toy and some alphbit blocks and some wood clothes pins to keep him busy while I did this but not a chance he was not going for it I would just get all the wood into a nice pile and down off his cage he came sat right in the middle of chewed up wood and wouldn;t move the little bogger. so finally I said fine sit there I don't care and I walked away and guess who was right behind me literally pulling on my pant leg. he just was being such a little imp it was hard not to laugh I finally got everything done but boy am I pooped It took me twice as long todo the house work with my helper Darius. I hope he's not in the helping mood next time its cleaning day:unsure: :laugh: :evil: :P<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/05 02:53

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{Feel-good-0002006E} I remember when my oldest daughter age 3 would "help" me clean house. One time while I was sleeping she got up early and was mopping the floors from water from the toilet (it was the only water she could reach)! I spent the rest of the day double mopping all the floors with strong disinfectant. Had a great laugh about Darius helping you!!! Thanks for the big smile!!!

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