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Don't They Think They Are Funny!


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When I come into the study to look a the forum Harvey always comes with me. His favourite place to sit is on my shoulder (which aches after a while!!).


He also likes being on the window sill, so I have to pull the blinds back (for obvious reasons) and I always give him some foot toys to play with. This is how he thinks he is funny.


He plays for about five seconds, and then throws them on the floor, therefore I have to crawl under the desk every minute to retrieve the things he's thrown! When I ignore him he has the cheek to "shout" at me!


It's clearly his little game of getting one over on me and he knows EXACTLY what he's doing by throwing it there!! I swear he is laughing at me! :)

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Tyco is the same way She doesn't play with hanging toys she only likes foot toys that she can throw. I was visiting with my daughter one day and do you think Tyco would allow this not a chance every 2or3 minutes it was MOM MOM oops a daisy I dropped my toy pick it up this went on and on through our entire visit needless to say she was either the topic of conversation or I was running to pick up her toys. she definatly was laughing she got exactly what she wanted. To be the center of attention

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Ah yes, the old Throw and watch mom or dad pick the toy up game!


I believe we all know it well and slow down in the pick it up time....... much to your Greys dismay and confusion of why you didn't respond IMMEDIATELY! :P


Thanks for sharing this.

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Oh yeah there is nothing funnier than a grey who wants attention


Rangi plays the game where he flies to somewhere he is not allowed (usually the kicthen bench) and then yells "Look you naughty boy, who's a naughty boy" as he knows this will get me running becuase I know he is up to no good when he uses this sentence.


If I ignore it he then starts to throw things on the floor. I then come in and say to him "now I am coming to get you" and he will race off as quick as his little legs will carry him doing bunny hops all the way, shaking his little red butt at me and yelling "now I am coming to get you".

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luvparrots wrote:

You really should video this game!!!! It would be a hoot to watch!!! :laugh:


There'd be nothing on the camera - it would make you sea sick - up, down, up, down - oh look, ball on the table, ball on the floor, rope on the table, rope on the floor! You'd need anti-sickness tablets!! :laugh:

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