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M&M Peanut Football???


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Ok, first let me say Chocolate is not good for your birdy, just as it is not for other critters. We do not give any of our critters even tiny pieces knowing it can affect their health over time.


Now, on to the football game!


Last night we were relaxing and watching a movie. Kim decided to have some Peanut M&M's. Had the BIG bag, eating them. Dayo kept trying to get her to share and was finally starting to try and get the bag.


Kim grasped he bag tightly and of course would not let him have any. Finally, dayo hopped over faster than a flea in a frying pan, grab the side of it and ripped a hole in it. M&M's dropped out.


He grabbed one before anyone could yell "Fumble" and took it and quickly hopped down field up to the top of the couch. He is now trapped in between us. We're both blocking and trying to grab it out of his beak.


He would strike at us, but couldn't bite due to the M&M held in his beak. It was a small one, so it fit perfect cupped length wise in the bottom portion of the beak.


He then did the fastest "Hot Potato" with it ever seen, switching from beak to the left foot, trying to bite us, then back in beak and going down field.


I swear, I have never seen him move something so fast between beak, left Talon, try to bite,Talon back to beak, Tries to bite with M&M still in beak (Hilarious as he realises he can't bite so pecks like a woodpecker)Back to other Talon, try to bite and on and on.


Then finally one last fast adrenaline burst with back in Talon, back in beak, ducking weaving,running, ducking weaving running etc. Then we heard the crack as the candy coating shattered, most of the chocolate attached to it fell out of his beak still attached to the shell.


Touch Down!!! He had the peanut portion now and quickly chomped and swallowed it down.


He did the "Touch Down Shuffle" as he was so impressed with himself at out witting the home team.


Much to his dismay though, the bag of other footballs was taken off the field and hidden away back in the cabinet.


He then decided to just arrogantly "Strike a Pose", lifting head high and staring straight forward with a noble eagle like look. Then up goes on leg, feathers fluff and he watches the movie in complete satisfaction. :-)

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That is so funny. :laugh: Don't you just love how determined they can be once they have set their mind to something.


I love chocolate but I have to keep it as a guilty secret in a draw. I have to sneak pieces when Misty is not looking. He assumes that he is entitled to anything I eat.


Steve n Misty

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OOOh! They are soooo stubborn! I think especially when it's something they know they can't have - Dayo's not stupid - he would have known EXACTLY the reaction he was going to receive - which of course he did!


Naughty Dayo - I hope you put him to bed with no supper! :laugh:

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That is so funny I know what its like trying to get something awayfrom them thats not allowed and they want it anyway Adaya likes to pop the buttons off my shirts and I'm always afraid she going to swallow it we have already had one trip to the vet because I couldn't find the button she pulled I thought for sure she swallowed it I heard the button break and found 1/2 but not the other half it wasn't in her crop so I guess she chewed it up small enough to pass through her system the little bogger will not give anything up that she thinks is hers and by the sounds of things Dayo is the same way LOL I wear T shirts now whenever she is out of her cage<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/04 20:46

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Dan you are going to have to set up your camera on a tripod ready for action at a second's notice. I would love to have seen Dayo's football plays. So glad the chocolate was dropped. Great story now that we know everything is okay and no chocolate was consumed. Another point in Dayo's favor!!!

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I'm surprised there was no bloodletting in this energetic exchange. Now, would you mind very much to set up the video camera, put skittles or something similar in the bag while Dayo still has the taste of forbidden fruit on his breath. Imagine the look on his face when he bites down and gets something he wasn't expecting this time. Thanks for sharing Dan.

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