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T-Shirt Naming Contest ("Bite Me Club Members Only


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Guest Lidia

TalonSis wrote:

Sorry I didnt get to this sooner, the Harry Potter book was keeping me distracted.


My nieces and nephews are all in the same tired and sleepy boat as you, Melissa! Did you enjoy it?

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Guest Lidia

TalonSis wrote:

yes Lidia, I did. :lol: What I'm most sad about is that the series is over now.


Oh well, at least with books you can read them over and over and keep finding things you missed first time around.:S

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Hi All - Just a reminder as I posted a few days ago


"This contest will end on July 31st, so please get your ideas in if you have some.


If this stays dormant for more than 3 days, with out an entry. I think we should stop any further waiting time and start voting on a winner."


If you have Idea's, and I know you do :woohoo: please submit them!!


Were waiting ....To catch the next Idea !!!



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Melissa....AWESOME Work!!!


One thing though, could you change the Fist of steel, to Fist of Iron?


I am going to see of I can find a photo of a Grey fluffed-up, beak open and ready to Bite for the poor hand shot of Josh's.


Ok, Folks, lets vote!!


I don't see anymore Ideas coming in, so lets Vote for which entry we want to go with....

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Wow, I didn't even pay attention. This is such a nice contest B) Pity I've no experience with photoshop (don't even have it on my pc) - or else I'd come up with something as well :blush:

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Hi FairY,


You don't need to post a pictorial rendition of your Idea.


If you have a Slogan you like and just an idea of what image should accompany it, just post your Idea :-)


We always have room for more T-Shirt Ideas :woohoo:


As you can see, Melissa is very talented at putting the Idea to a great Image format!!

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No usurping going on Tricky :-)


I'm just seeing if we can find the meanest, nastiest looking Grey ready to take a chunk out of somebody :woohoo:


I like the Photo of Yours, but just thought I would throw some more ideas in the mix, before we get to the voting and printing the winner stage.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 17:16

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I'm sorry I haven't come through with something witty, Dan. The heat has melted my brain and I just can't think straight anymore (lousy excuse, but the truth) :blush:

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