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. . .and what has he done with Dorian?:P


Hi guys. I know I haven't been around much. Between migraines and my FMS I haven't been feeling too social, but I just had to post to let you know what's been happening with Dorian. He's come leaps and bounds and it's happened very quickly. All of a sudden he's this brave,confident, curious soul who wants to explore his world. He's still happy to sit in his cage and talk and play when I'm in the same room with him, but if I'm anywhere else he wants to come with me, even if it's just around to corner in the office. He still won't step up from inside his cage, but he will climb out to one of his exterior perches and "request" that I come and get him. I used to have to put my arm between him and the cage before he would ever step-up for me. Now he's raising a foot without even being asked!


I used to be able to leave him in his cage with the door open and leave the room. We'd do contact calls and when I came back downstairs he'd still be inside. Those days, I think, are done. Now he's trying to fly to me. He still doesn't have much directional control so sometimes I hear those wings flapping and I have to go on a search for him (for some reason he won't speak up and tell me where he's landed), but even his flying is getting better. His landing is improving big time. There have been very few flights ending in crashes into walls or windows.


He's also destroyed his first toy ever, discovered that he can hold an object and play with it (aka a foot toy), and finally decided the playstand that I bought for him exactly a year ago is not a demon birdy killer. As I type he's sitting on the top of it, preening, stretching and looking out the window. I'm so glad I didn't give up and sell it! The only downside is he's also decided that he should be allowed to sleep on this stand, which is in my room. I can't allow that because the cat sleeps with me and I don't want them both free when I'm not able to watch them. Also, part of my condition includes poor sleep, and I can't have him trying to rest if I'm getting up to read or watch tv. At least one of us should be rested! We've had a few nights with him trying everything he can to avoid stepping on to my hand to be put to bed, but I just decided he's not going to win this one. I'm hoping a few more nights and he'll accept the inevitable:)


It's been a slow journey, but you all have helped me stay consistent and hopeful when I've become frustrated. Dorian and I are both very thankful we found this community of great people (and birdies):)

Love you all, Marguerite

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I have noticed your absence from the forum lately but attributed it to your being busy as a lot of people are but I am so glad to hear that Dorian is improving. Thats also great that he is flying some, it will take time for him to get better at it, practice makes perfect or darn near close to it.


I agree, he needs to sleep inside his cage, that is a battle he won't win if you are persistent with it, they may have us wrapped around their little talons but that doesn't mean we let them get away with everything, some rules must be obeyed.


Thanks for taking the time to let us know how things are going for you and Dorian and please stay in touch with us and maybe share a couple of pics of him with us.

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GreYt to see you posting again. You were missed!!


I am sorry to hear of your painful health issues and hope you find a solution for them and recover.


Dorian sounds like he is turning into one fine Grey under your loving guidance and care.


Thanks for the wonderful update. :-)

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Marguerite, it certainly is nice to hear from you. You have been missed. Sounds like Dorian has blended very nicely into your home and certainly is an independent grey. Hope you are feeling better and that we will hear from you more often. You know how we love pictures, so if you get a chance, we would love to see Dorian!

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