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Hi all, i came across this site and found it extremely useful and exciting. I have just brought my new baby home yesterday after a very long but worthwhile wait, he is bonding with the family very well and we are all so proud of him we have deicided to call him DJ. He is a little over 12 weeks and has been hand reared with so much TLC.. he enjoys cuddles and has already started " chirping " at us when he wants our attention or when we enter the room. Anyway, i am looking forward to a very long and rewarding bond with my baby and will keep you all updated on his progress :)

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Hello Nicky, so glad you came across our site, I think you are going to like it here, we have many knowledgeable members who give willing of their time and expertise to help others with their problems or to just give some helpful advice.


Be advised you are still in the honeymoon phase since you have just brought DJ home so give him some more time to settle in and get to know your household.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of DJ if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi Nicky ~ Welcome to the forum - you will find LOADS of information that you didn't know (I promise you)!


They are so sweet at this age - loving everybody and everything and I don't want to burst your bubble - but it soon wears off!!!


Looking forward to learning more about you and DJ and the rest of your family. :)

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Thanks to everybody that has welcomed me to this site, i have uploaded one pic which the breeder sent me whilst dj was still in her care but i will add some recent ones tomorrow when i get chance. I think he was about 9 weeks old on that one lol, he's obviously much bigger now! Take care all and i'll be back soon :)

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I just took a look at your baby when he was younger what a sweetheart You must be just loving him to bits at the moment I have a 8 month old baby that I raised from 5 weeks old so I know exactly what its like to have a bay Grey around the house. Adaya is still a real cuddle muffin but she can be a real little brat sometimes. Welcome to our Family every one here cares and love all the Greys that belong to this forum you are going to love this forum there are some very experianced bird owners here that can help with just about any situation So if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask we will help you all we can. Have fun with your new baby and enjoy this baby stage it doesn't last forever like everyone they all grow up

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