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Hi All, I need some advice from you all!!! Sydney (TAG) has been flying over to Roxys (Quaker) cage. At first it was cute and harmless, but Syd has bit Rox through the cage bar (nipped his foot) When Syd is over there, he gets VERY aggressive towards anyone near the cage, and starts screaming, waving his head and trying to bite us. When I show him the perch to step onto, he attacks it.


OK, The obvious is to not let syd over there, right? SHould I move one of their cages away, so syd cant get there or see Rox? They are both flighted. When I cut Roxys flight feathers, he really trashes the rest of his feathers by falling all over the place.


WHY the aggressiveness? It is so uncharacteristic of him. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!

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We have the same issue between our Grey and Conure.


If one is out and the other caged, then one flies and walks around on the others Cage, the battle is on. They each view their Cage as THEIR TERRITORY and will protect it. The offender retaliates by trying to bite back and one of their toes will end up getting nipped.


I do not know your situation, but we always let both birds out at the same time to avoid this. Then if it gets heated, one will fly off in complete safety.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/02 16:23

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Well, the funny thing is that Roxy does not seem to mind that Syd is on his cage. Syd is the one that gets REALLY nasty when he is on ROXYS cage.


I did try, last night to let them both out. Syd flew over to Roxys cage (I was standing on alert with gloves on) and Syd tried to bite Roxys NECK!!! I freaked out.


WHAAA. It makes me scared and sad!!

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I cannot even keep my grey and conure in the same room for this same reason. My conure feels that she would like to be in or on the greys cage and the grey gets very aggressive. Some greys will tollerate other birds but mine don't fit in that catagory.


Split them up or definitely don't let them out at the same time. My conure is in a seperate room and is out all day long with free rome and she is flighted. My grey is in the living room so she can see everything but she is caged for about 5-6 hours a day and then out until bed time. They have no or very little contact with each other!


Hope that helps!

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I had the same problem with Talon. She would fly over to our parakeet cage. One time, she even pulled the entire nail out of one of our parakeets!! :ohmy: There was blood everywhere...:( :( I called the vet, and luckily it stopped bleeding and was okay, but sore.


When ever she goes there, I do one of 2 things, I pick her up and tell her, "No, she's not allowed there" and I say, 'DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!" She knows that is a bad place for her to be when I say that, I use it when ever she gets anywhere near something hot. The second thing I do, is spray her with a spray bottle which she hates!!

She rarely goes there anymore.

I am sure you will find what works for you, just be diligent, and patient, it will take time.

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But, Syd didn't I assume, because Roxy is not headless. :P


You do need to watch, but believe me, Roxy will learn Syd's body language quickly and know when to fly or if it's ok to just move away a little further as syd approaches.

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