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Hi all. I'm Marlise from South Africa. I live with my husband 3 kids, 2 dogs and our new baby CAG, Elvis (because my husband is an Elvis Presley fan). Thanks so far for all the help and hints. I'm totally new at this so there will be lots of questions and panic attacks. I will keep you updated on Elvis's antics.

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Hi Marlise and welcome to the forum (and obviously Elvis). Don't worry about any questions you have - ask away - even if you deem them "silly" - which to a new owner shows they care (and believe me, I'll have asked them all before you anyway!!).


You will suffer many panic attacks (probably daily!) as Elvis becomes himself! I nearly had Harvey at the vet last week for growling with enjoyment (I thought he was having breathing difficulties)!


I look forward to hearing more about you all :)

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Hi Marlise, welcome.When elvis gets older you can teach him to say "Elvis has left the building" when he comes out of his cage.Your husband would love that.I am looking forward to hearing more about Elvis and looking at some pictures.

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Marlise, is this your first parrot, first grey? I assume it must be since you mentioned panic attacks, do not worry as you have just joined a wonderful forum with lots of knowledgeable members who will be able to answer most if not all questions you may have.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Elvis you would share with us we would love to see them.

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