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Sugar Cane


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Well, I didn't know how to "serve" it - I guessed that if I gave him it he would drop it and that would be me up and down every 10 seconds to give it back.


My husband drilled a hole in it - put some chain through it and added a quick link - as usual, it didn't take 10 seconds until Harvey was checking it out!




I hope it keeps him quiet!!!

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Since that picture he hasn't touched it!!!


Julie, I get all of my parrot supplies from Midland Parrots (www.midlandparrots.com) - it's a family run company (the owners are Bob and Diane) and they are so helpful and the delivery is super quick.


It's such a shame you can't get stuff like this in the states (and palm nuts) but I suppose we have to honour the restrictions don't we. I could post you one under cover of darkness in the hope it doesn't get opened at customs!!!!


PS. Dear Mr Border Control - this was a joke, I promise!!!

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i live in south louisiana and there are cane fields ALL over the place! so i can feed this to my bird when i get him? can i give it to him raw? or does it have to be specially processed or something? because we eat sugarcan all the time when its in season. u just peel it, chew the sugar juice out of it and spit out the pulp! its really good. espically if u get it right out the field instead of off a truck

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