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Pepper's first ouchy


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Aww. So today I put Pepper downstairs to hang out with my mom because I had to hurry and get ready for work.


She kept wanting to mess with me lol. Anyways, she got upset so a few mins later she tried to fly and apparently hurt her wing. I heard her cry, so I ran downstairs and my mom said her wing was hurting.


I went to look at it and on my finger nail was a droplet of blood:( . I called the vet asap and they said put flour on it, and if its not bleeding too much than she'll be okay.


So she's been fine so far, i called my mom and Pepper is acting normal. Just as she was this morning.


Poor thing!! She scared me. I didnt even WANT her wings clipped, I went in for nail clipping a few weeks back and they clipped her wings too{Emotions-000200BA}


It was cute though she really wanted me to stay w/her, she kept grabbing my finger and regurgitating.

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Poor dear but you did the right thing in putting flour on it to stop the bleeding.


I would have given whoever clipped her wings a piece of my mind:angry: , they should not do that unless you specifically ask for it, now it will take a while before she has her flights back to be able to fly again.

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I had tears in my eyes bc she scared me ha im a big worry wart. :[ i cant wait to get off work n see her. I swear shes like my child.


Yeah I am SUPER angry they did that. :pinch: Poor Pepper, I cant wait til she can fly again. Thats why I dont clip them, she gets clumsy and shes a bird she wants to friggin fly!

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Sorry to hear pf Peppers injury. I'm sure it frighted you more than it did her. It's just like having one of your birthed children hurt.


It's good to hear the bleeding stopped and pepper is ok.


If you did not ask the vet to trim the wings, I would have gone nuclear!

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Yeah its ridiculous!


Not going to those people again, for sure.



On another note, my sister has been in town with her 1 month old baby for a week, and Pepper has been SO jealous and upset.


Yesterday she actually bit the baby :( she snuck up off my moms shoulder and creeped down to the baby and got her on the finger.

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I took for ever to get Tyco fully flighted again after her clip I had to watch her constantly so she wouldnt break blood feathers it was aweful I would totally lose it on some one if they dare ever to touch those beautiful wings of hers ever again. so sorry to here about you babys owie I hope shes okay

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Pepper is acting normal but her wing seems hurt. She doesnt open it much either and if i try to pet her she freaks out


(its a long feather that she hurt) idk im soooo friggin angry that they clipped her wings, bc of this incident :S


should i take her to the vet? she isnt bleeding or anything. but im worried shes hurt.

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what i would say is if your worried that much for your own peace of mind take her, it may cost but at least you will be sure shes ok. i'm very new to the grey seen and have taken Dusty when i think something isnt right. You will hopefully find that your vet will say "Pepper is fine" but that is worth the trip in my view.

On a side note

Dusty did something like pepper my 7yr old was sleep on the sofa (having a nap) and good old Dusty creeped down and nipped my sons ear. lucky there was no brocken skin Note to self anyone naps put Dusty back in cage

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aww haha


i might not take her. she seems fine, i mean shes completely normally


shes in a great mood. i woke up this morning to getting kissed on my ear, and my mouth LOL


(i let her out every morning) she hangs out in my room while i sleep, or usually sleeps with me

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she doesnt sleep with me thru the night. thats dangerous.


but on weekends, and days i have off. i let her out at around 8am, and she hangs out til about 10am until i wake up. and sometimes she'll come cuddle on my belly as i lay on my back. cuz i dont move in my sleep


i HAVE to let her out in the morning she goes crazy and i cant sleep thru it haha

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yeah it drives me crazy haha every fri , sat, and sun which are days im off.. she bangs her beak on the cage:lol:


this morning was just tooo cute tho cuz she kissed my ear & mouth and kept grabbing my finger to wake me up and pet her aww haha

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