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Concerned about my grey


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This morning during my play time with my grey the dogs started barking and she got scared and flew into a glass door. When I got to her she was standing on the floor and when I picked her up it was like nothing happened, she flipped upside down (she loves this trick) and I just put her in the cage. I am just worried that something might have happened to her. She seemed fine, eating and talking and no blood anywhere but I just want to make sure she is not injured. Is there something I should be looking for? Can anyone help me to make sure she is really OK??? This is my first grey. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Guest briansmum

if her behaviour is normal, there is no bleeding, no broken feathers and she can fly like normal then she's fine i would say.


my grey flew into the glass door a few times when he first learned to fly.. needless to say he doesn't do it anymore :laugh:


keep monitoring her for changes, and if need be a trip to the vet would put your mind at rest.

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Guest Lidia

Absolutely, ditto to what Dan and Beccy said. One thing, you might put something on the glass door so she doesn't try to fly into it again.

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