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New baby


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Our new baby (Elvis) has been with us for almost a week now. He is so cute. I think we all fell in love with him within the first hour. He is only 7 weeks old and on 3 feeds a day. The only thing I regret is getting him so young. Bonding with him at feeding times is lovely but because we don't know alot about handrearing its stressful. There are so many things that can go wrong if you don't know what you're doing. This forum has helped me tremendously but I wouldn't recommend handrearing to a novice. Elvis is still so young but his personality is huge and if something should happen to him we would be heartbroken. We visit the vet every other day just to make sure all is in order. I read everything I can about AG but I still feel that a lifetime wouldn't be enough time to learn about these beautiful creatures.

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Hi Marlise - welcome to the forum. I couldn't have even contemplated handrearing - we got Harvey at 12 weeks, totally weaned.


We have a Welcome Room at the top of the page - please go and introduce yourself in there and tell us a little more about yourself and your family (I'm nosey and like photos too!).


Looking forward to hearing more about you x

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Hi Marlise and welcome to the forum.


Congratulations on your new baby, I cant wait to see some pictures.




Above is a link on handfeeding, you may have already read through but if not you might find it interesting.


Hope you enjoy it here and cant wait to hear more about your new addition:)

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Congrats on your new baby Elvis and you are right, so many things can go wrong but we do have some threads in the nursery room that will help you with that.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and Elvis.

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Marlise, you don't know how much I so appreciate hearing this. In July when our breeder said they can't go home until they wean themselves, twelve weeks or so didn't sound like a long time. As we wait, it seems like a lifetime. I know it is a trade-off and we all make the best of what comes our way. Glad you are working with a vet, your confidence and skill will grow with Elvis.

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Welcome Marlise and Elvis!!


It's GreYt having you hear.


It sounds like you are a very good parent doing the best you can to ensure your new baby is safe and doing well.


There are many members here with tons of experience that are more than willing to help if needed.


Looking forward to hearing more from. :-)

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I know how your feeling I was not a novice when I raised my Grey from 5 weeks old but it still made me nervous I had raised a Cockateil from 3 wks old that someone left on my doorstep. and I had also hand fed my Green checked Conure for 7 months after my other Cag bit his top mandable off but even though I had some experiance it was still scary because so much can and does go wrong. I did manage to get her through it without anything going wrong (touch wood) she is 7 months old now and talking up a storm she is such a joy and such a cuddle bunny. You are going to love being a Grey mom they are just the best. I have a 6 yr old Grey also and she is just so uch fun she love to play games and jokes on her mom. I rescued her a couple yeears ago and she is a joy to have around I look forward to hearing all about your new baby and some pictures would be wwonderful we love pictures on this forum.

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I will try to upload some pics today. After I fed him this morning, I sat with Elvis on my lap for a cuddle, he looked up at me and rubbed his head against my hand. Maybe he was just itchy but my heart went warm all over. I never had any kind of bird for a pet as I was so scared of them. My husband loves AG so I relented and we got Elvis and after just a week I am smitten with no fear in sight. Now I'm going to look for the welcome room to introduce ourselves.

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