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It's not for another two months (we celebrate November 5th, Guy Fawkes Night) I thought - but the school next to me has an event on and the biggest, loudest fireworks display has just knocked Harvey off the top of the door with fright.


He flew into the window - and I have basically "thrown" him in his cage for his own protection.


I am so annoyed that no warning has been given - and there are people out walking their dogs too.


Obviously it will be my first year with Harvey and fireworks - what will be the best way to keep him calm? Is he best with me, or in his cage?


Advice, as always, appreciated :S

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I would cover the windows. He will not fly into anything by accident that appears solid. In his cage, depending on how freaked out he is at each explosion, he could damage blood feathers flopping and crashing around in it.


When Dayo freaks out at something like that, we he usually flies over to us once he has made a lap or two and we just gently tell him "It's Ok" and he will just sit on one of our shoulders and press himself against our head tightly until the scary thing stops.


However, each Grey is different. Only you know your Grey and how to best deal with this. :-)

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The first time ALfie encountered fireworks, they were right outside, maybe 60 yards away. We turned the music chanel up (as we always do for the dogs), but you could still hear them a little, Alf flapped a wee bit until I took her to the window so she could actually see them, and she was fine. She's been in her cage for every display since and they don't seem to bother her!

GOod luck with Harvey. Has he gotten over this evenings fright?


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JillyBeanz wrote:

It's not for another two months (we celebrate November 5th, Guy Fawkes Night)



What world are you living in Jill, it is only about one month not two, you silly girl!!


I don't have to worry about that here since I live out in the country where no one puts off fireworks but it would probably freak Josey and Sunny out if we did.


I think turning the tv or radio up loud to muffle some of the noise is a good idea and probably keeping them in their cage is best.

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During the 4th here we covered the windows so the flickering wouldn't bother Dixie and we turned the tv up louder. It was my children setting off fireworks. Dixie sat on my shoulder through the whole event and didn't seem fazed by it, but that may be because she was next to me.

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