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Anyone here have one or two? lol I have the one his name is Joey. He is wild caught I believe and about 25 -27 years old could be older but that is my best guess with the little history I have on him.

I must say out of all my birds he is the sweetest. I had read all these things about amazon overload and that stick training was good for those times you can't touch your amazon.

So I got my stick and started working on that. Did not work out the way I planed. Don't get me wrong he is stick trained but when I get the stick out he runs for my other hand and steps up as pretty as you please. :laugh: Oh well it works.

Oh and here is one of my pictures.



Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/17 16:43<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/17 16:45

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Hi Tari,


Did you rescue this Amazon?


Prior to deciding on a Grey, I had been considering rescuing an Amazon. Just due to their sheer high numbers in the rescue here near San Jose, Ca.


But, after researching them for a while, I came to realize there were so many there do to personality characteristics that most new owners just could not deal with.


It is so sad to see all these guys in a rescue, over and over again as new owners just can't seem to work properly with them and again return the poor guys back to rescues.


That was my main reason for not rescuing one. I knew I did not have the skills or knowledge to successfully rehab a 10 - 30 year old Amazon that had been improperly handled all those years.


Maybe after a few more years of maintaining my Peach Front Conure and my New baby CAG "Dayo", I'll be able to rescue an Amazon and help him to become a great Parrot that can enjoy life as you have! :-)


My Hat is off to You Tari and all others who rescue and love these mistreated and misunderstood beautiful Parrots.!!!

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I posted some of these a few days ago, but here is a pic of Fipo taken 2 weeks ago while I visited my Grandmother in Switzerland...he is a red lored Amazon. We have had him 37 years. He'w wild caught so we dont know how old he is, but several vets have guessed 50+...He is great with those he knows and agressive with those he does not. He has proven to have a very slow acceptance rate of new people, but those that have dedicated around 2 years will gain his trust! ;)


http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1001/900710674_5266b572d6_b.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/02 22:35

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Yes Joey was my second rescue and of the two he is my success story. He is very very sweet. Joey was about 18 years old when he come to live with me. He was wild caught and just a little love bug.

Never talks and hates getting wet. lol

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